Thank you SPY for saving my ass from bad earnings plays, Down 4k to up 5k.

    Posted by Low_Moose_6829


    1. ThatOneDataScientist on

      Same here- took a fellow regard’s advice on huge Dell gap up, lost my ass, and made it back and then some with 3 ITM meta calls (8/16 $410, $420, $430) at the low. Ended $3k-ish up on the day. Long live dumb ER plays 👌

    2. Suspended_9996 on


      no worries, have a great weekend :=)

      2024-05-31 spy-527.37 usd/ah 528.23 usd

      volume: 84,229,543

      inception date: 1993-01-22

    3. This is the first step in a long downward spiral to a massive loss porn post.

    4. Smooth_Operator2875 on

      I got slammed recently, need to remake my account currently at $1K. What should I do?

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