Suez Crises, Nasser and Israel || Dr Roy Casagranda

    so Egypt decides to nationalize the Suz canal and they’ll take the revenue from ships passing through to build the swan hia they nationalized the Suz Canal the next thing you know the British and the French are invading and the Israelis are invading and their in whole goal is to destabilize nser to humiliate him so badly that he can’t do anything actually the the Israelis went first what the Israelis did was they invaded with the hope that the Egyptian Army would then counter invade and go into the Swiss and go into the siai and then the British and the French would attack the Su canal and trap the Egyptian Army in a pocket in the Sinai and oer doesn’t take the bait he stays he stays west of the Suez Canal and watches as the Israelis march across and at that point the French and the British do invade but they’re not trapping anybody because he never took the bait

    When Israel, USA and England attacked Egypt to Humiliate Nasser! by Dr Roy Casagranda


    1. For those not in the know, Roy Casagrande is an extremely unreliable individual.

      He either:
      A) Makes shit up
      B) Explains history completely inaccurately
      C) Leaves out valuable information
      D) Frames his lecture to reinforce and impose his own views.

      This happens every single lecture of his and itโ€™s ungodly frustrating to listen to.

    2. NEVER forget that the zio oppressors attacked America (missile strike on the uss liberty that was patrolling the eastern Mediterranean at the behest of the zio oppressors in order to protect them) murdering almost every us service man or woman on board and then murdered the survivors to silence them and the US NEVER asked a single question!!!
      Obviously the reason for the false flag attack was so that the US ("which is very easy to move in the direction we want!") would blame Egypt and then attack & destroy their military (especially the Egyptian air force that scared them to no end) which they did!! (They pre emptively, with absolutely NO justification attacked & destroyed Egypt's entire air force while it was on the ground!) Talk about cheating & NOT "playing fair!!!!"

    3. Yea, but the Israeli and Americans set him up in 1967, and he took the bait.
      As THE USA tells Israhell and Egypt not to start the war, they only made sure Egypt didn't start it, while secretly gave the green light for Israhell to attack. Egypt didn't want 1967 war, but they were set up for it to humiliate Nasser ๐Ÿ˜ข

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