Sony Will Use AI to Cut Film Costs, Says CEO Tony Vinciquerra

    Posted by Worried_Quarter469


    1. Worried_Quarter469 on

      AI animation could be orders of magnitude better than regular animation — no one can afford the highest quality animation now (like Spiderverse/Arcane) , would be dirt cheap with AI

      Hand draw a few scenes, have AI animate between them

    2. They will use AI to reduce that pesky revenue they get from making good films.

    3. intelligentx5 on

      I mean it depends on how they use it. If it’s to streamline processes, handoffs, meeting summaries and administrative tasks, why the fuck not?

      Just because it’s the film industry it doesn’t mean they’re going just use AI to make screenplays and shit.

      This is bait.

    4. VapidRapidRabbit on

      We know these non-Disney Spider-Man adjacent films are gonna suck more than usual.

    5. 420_E-SportsMasta on

      Can’t wait to see films where the main characters have more or less than 5 fingers per hand depending on the scene and camera angle

    6. PutinsLostBlackBelt on

      Good. Hollywood is so full of bloat and corruption.

      Japan’s film industry made Godzilla Minus One that cost $15mm and was far better than the US version that cost $160mm to make.

    7. We’ll see how this stuff pans out. I imagine if there is anyone in management with two brain cells, seeing a pos content come out they will correct and monitor. They can use AI in away that it’s not all in and it’s used to optimize parts of the process. But at this point it’s pretty obvious a 100% ai created content is ganna probably it lead to something you want to sit down and watch for an hour.

    8. There was a small period of time when the Sony Pictures with a blue screen would pop up before a movie and you knew it would be quality.

    9. People are saying how they will make bad movies now, but tbh they already made a lot of shit movies. It’s the same with marvels and dc kind of movies, they gross so much with people who wants to watch dumb movies.

    10. mjsillligitimateson on

      Tyler Perry recently changed plans to build a multi million dollar editing building at his massive production studio in Atlanta.

    11. Visual-Squirrel3629 on

      You continually ask who the directors will be for these films. I continually tell you it be A.I.

    12. They said they will make the same for their games. Probably everyone is, sadly.

    13. Things are going badly on Spider-verse, and they hope AI will save them money. No AI will save them from continuing to run shitty productions on the backs of artists. No AI will save them an over abundance of inept leadership, bad management and untalented corporate eyed decision makers.

    14. ImpossibleFuel6629 on

      Isn’t it already a foregone conclusion that all movies will be ai generated within 5 years? Why pay $250m, and much of that to human actors when you don’t have to?

      Not only that, but isn’t it obvious that all “studios” are finished? People will be generating video content for pennies from home that can compete with anything a studio can do.

    15. Call555JackChop on

      Same studio that released such bangers as Morbius, Madam Web, and Kraven

    16. For what it’s worth, they already did this with the first Spider verse movie. In an interview, they brought up the lines they add to the character models to aid in expressions. But the team realized the number they’d be doing to add 1-2 lines to a face for the number of shots they had would be ridiculous. So what they did was train an AI with some hundred human-made samples to add them instead. Then the art team would just have to go through those shots to verify the AI did it jobs correctly and if not, fix them themselves.

      This isn’t rly a justification for AI’s usage in more extreme ways that take away jobs, but it’s an example of its usage already done by Sony to great success and cost-cutting.

    17. steppinrazor2009 on

      I can’t wait until I have a personal AI to watch movies for me and tell me which ones are worth my time.

      Oh wait, they just meant they are gonna use AI to make more shitty movies.

    18. Dry-Love-3218 on

      We plan to use AI to remove good paying jobs that will help increase my net worth.

    19. It’s baiscly a legal requirement now for CEOs to explain how they are going to 10x with AI, it’s the new big data.

    20. JermaineOneilsFist on

      This sounds like a decision AI would come up with. Guess Tony isn’t needed anymore.

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