AMD Launches New AI Chips to Take on Leader Nvidia

    Posted by DerpDerper909


    1. _dekappatated on

      So blackwell will be out by then, it has x35 the inference as their previous gen but what’s that vs. blackwell?

    2. brotatoavocado on

      Only thing AMD beats Nvidia on is gaming CPUS, they taking Ls everywhere else

    3. Ok_Spite_217 on

      Bro, you don’t know shit 🤦🤦🤦

      These articles are such dogshit

    4. Forgotusername_123 on

      Any mention of AMD in the same conversation as Nvidia is simply charitable and graciousnesses. Next 4 years is the ride of a lifetime.

    5. Prestigious_Ear_2962 on

      Eh, this whole bubble will be over in a year. There won’t be many scraps left by then.

    6. Due-Implement-1600 on

      “AMD, as always, several steps behind leader Nvidia”

      Store brand company.

    7. Kuchinawa_san on

      Lisa Su and Jensen are COUSINS.

      They probably laugh at this shit via dinner.

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