Keith Gill [aka Roaring Kitty alias Deep Fucking Value] in last 48 hours posted his GameStop positions on Reddit.
Apart from a huge equities position, the post also showed 120,000 calls at strike price of 20.00 US$ and June 21st expiry.
Market surged 80% in pre-market and closed 20% above Friday's closing.
E*Trade is considering whether it constitutes market manipulation, and whether to remove him from their platform.
Separately, SEC is also reviewing trading in GameStop call options to investigate on possible manipulation around the time of Keith Gill's social media posts.
What happens to Keith Gill's call options, and the equities position should E*Trade removes him from the platform? If there is a liquidation, then avalanche of sell orders will crush the market?
E*Trade considering removing Keith Gill
byu/Option_Closeout inoptions
Posted by Option_Closeout
All that money and he wasn’t able to find a good psychologist to heal his inferiority complex. I really hope that this time he’ll go to jail.
Having said that, I will continue to use any legal opportunity to benefit from apes who want to get rich fast by investing in MLM.
There is no MOAS. It’s just a MLM play and lots of big daddies are riding FOMO investors.
puts on Morgan Stanley
Time to close e trade accounts
Amazing how many reditors are on this guys dick. So sad.