Got filled at $675k on cash settled account BRK.A

    Posted by mpoozd


    1. How did these people all get such horrible fills, tens of thousands of dollars higher than it ever touched today?

    2. I don’t know how this got filled I used **cash account** and never thought it gonna get filled without full buying power.

      Edit: It’s **cash account** not margin

    3. InterPeritura on

      That looks like $IBKR.

      You can call them and beg them to reverse the trade. You might have to pay like $300 for the inconvenience, but I’d take that over 49k.

    4. Dull_Broccoli1637 on


    5. satireplusplus on

      Would you just market buy a house and be nah whatever, just sell it to me at a price you think is good?

    6. I suggest you to contact IBKR and ask them to cancel this trade. Maybe is already late, but is worth trying.

      You can argue that you never intended to submit a market order at the price of +600k but at the price of $185 that is what was showing you the screen when you submitted the order.


      Do it ASAP, because it is a time sensitive operation (likely you are already late, but better try now than tomorrow, just in case)

    7. Frangipane33 on

      Copying what I wrote to another guy with the same issue:
      You’re not alone, some shares traded at 700k+ it seems after trading resumed. You can pray that NYSE corrects the price but it seems very unlikely given it was “only” 2-3% off market (*the other guy got a better fill at 648*). It is also very unlikely that the trade will be cancelled, so you should mitigage the share’s risk yourself.

    8. Phil_Tornado on

      They ain’t reversing a trade bro sorry to break it to you. These other comments are high

    9. Realistic_Olive_6665 on

      This is why you never do market orders – ever. If you want to ensure that your order is quickly filled, set a limit order above the current price.

    10. Always limit order. Don’t trust these brokerages to give you the best price (they won’t). And clearly you should use a better brokerage. I placed a limit order on BRK.A on Fidelity as I’m sure thousands did, and they promptly auto cancelled it as soon as the exchange price was fixed

    11. MassiveBearrr on

      IBKR is a horrible brokerage for fixing issues. In fact, they go out of their way to not help you. So maybe you can get it reversed or maybe they just sue you.

    12. Like another person said:

      *You can argue that you never intended to submit a market order at the price of +600k but at the price of $185 that is what was showing you the screen when you submitted the order.*

      Don’t be dumb. Do it now.

    13. Explain this to me like idk why the f Reddit suggested this to me and I have no idea what’s going on plz

    14. igotinfirstlol on

      Overall im impressed OP is not freaking out more about the instant 49k dicking he’s taking upon fill

      Taking it like a champ

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