Warren Buffett after briefly losing his entire legacy…


    Posted by MatthewJackson3


    1. lol Warren probably has a standing buyback order, he wasn’t sweating shit

    2. Excellent_Call304 on

      Yesterday, while I was laughing, thinking about Warren buffet looking at his net worth plummet, the sad realization hit me that even after losing 99% of his portfolios worth, he still had more money that I will ever see.

    3. Nothing changed for him. He doesn’t give a shit about the stock price just the earnings and cash balance, neither of which changed for him. His % ownership was never at any risk. Funny to joke about though.

    4. real_snowpants on

      He will never do anything with the money and he doesn’t spend it so I bet he wouldn’t really care.

    5. After all these years Warren Buffet actually SOLD the dip lol. Would have been loss porn worthy of wsb.

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