1. Braindrain135 on

      Crwd went from 270-325 crazy lol! Way too much people talking about 250 puts

    2. HoosierGuy2014 on

      Tesla stock is now above its 10-week moving average, wrote Piper Sandler technical analyst Craig Johnson in a Tuesday report. That’s a good sign, he said, adding he could see shares trending toward $190 while investors wait for the June 13 annual meeting—where investors will vote on Elon Musk’s 2018 pay package.


    3. Crowd put buyers went from happy to sad so fast lol. Wall street loves this stock

    4. Jumpy_Elevator_6603 on

      HPE – in and out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    5. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      Congrats CRWD bulls! (Except maybe the guy who posted his YOLO *after* the ER, haha)

    6. TimetravelServices on

      Long term bull here, I just sold all my stock 25 minutes ago. I held the most for years. Going 100% cash today, see you guys in 1 or 2 years. I am out

    7. Apprehensive_Gap9139 on

      #Mango is the best. Such a delicious fruit, soooo good for everyone’s health that has it. The best. The likes of which… well. You’ve likely never seen before

      Does $amzn sell fresh freedom filled mango? Amazon fresh prob does (their grocery delivery)

    8. My friend told me to tell him only about sure earning plays. He doesn’t wanna be bothered if it’s not 100%. What do I say ?

    9. AllTooWell31 on

      CNBC called us a cesspool, guys, do better. Also if gamestop hits 300 a share I’ll let a watermelon fuck *me*

    10. thezenunderground on

      What’s hilarious is CRWD is gonna give it all back within the first hour tommorrow. It always happens :/

    11. aLemmyIsAJacknCoke on

      QCOM puts… again and again until it finally breaks below $200 …. If you rinse and repeated puts every morning you’d be killing it. Idk who would do such a thing. But it’s bombing -2% every morning this week and then trickled back up %1 for the past three days, finishing red. It wants to see $198 again before it goes for another ridiculous run like last month.

    12. Tangerine_Whisperer on

      HPE bears ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    13. suckatsucking2042 on

      Crwd needs to be up more than this so I can make money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    14. Thinking of buying some HIMS calls tomorrow, but not sure. Usually these are a sell the news thing, but it really hasn’t done much this week altogether

    15. AdPresent3911 on


    16. KnewTwoDiss on

      Please CRWD execs… Dont fuck this up on the call. Say good things. Let me buy my family food.

    17. Nothing will convince me that algo’s are not purposely dumping stocks after earnings beats in attempts to get limit orders to kick off so they can make cheap buys before running up.

    18. ilovethewayyousmile on

      I hope they admit to FEDERAL crimes on this earnings call (to save my puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630))

    19. Lost-Practice-5916 on

      From this thread by a Conspiracy Ber:

      >Fake. As. Fuck. Talk to. Anyone. Your friends. Your family. All.

      >Statistics. Debt. Cost to buy a home…. Anywhere. Rates. Jajajaja. Nice propaganda joe

      When the half country refuses to believe only what they choose to. When trust in the system is this low there is not even a bit of shared facts or common truths to even agree on, what are we supposed to do?

      We can crash the economy to satisfy these idiots but they will suffer even more without realizing it.

    20. TKO lotto puts for a few weeks out in preparation of Conor pulling out of UFC 303 and tanking their Q2 rev forecasts?

    21. AdPresent3911 on

      Scorpion Capital on Twitter claiming that they will shortly expose the largest corporate fraud on earth. Any bets on who it is ?

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