How would you hedge this ridiculous concentrated stock position?

    Posted by patright333


    1. The smart thing here is to wait for stock split, sell half, invest that half into index fund and hold for a while. Even if you dont touch that half it will be doubling your money every 5-6 years.

      You probably want to diversify a bit more into other tech stocks as well.

    2. Sell 1200 calls for this Friday and if they get sold then you made around $30k off the calls and over 4.5 million on stock. Then stick it all in SPY until tax time and sell whatever is needed to cover taxes.

    3. bluefromthelou on

      Tell yourself u won its 4 mill bro…. then sell calls buy puts until all the shares are gone and laugh and giggle to the bank

    4. RBControlsGuy on

      You’re up 4.6M dollars and you are asking how would you hedge this??

      What is there to hedge on a hugely profitable position, just sell it and then buy index ETFS and or other stocks that pay a dividend yield and sell covered calls. At this point you could easily retire just accruing 10% annually spread over several dividend paying companies. The hedge would be to buy some 5 YR maturity bonds while allocating some of your portfolio to the stock exchange.

    5. Minimum_Finish_5436 on

      This matters how much you need i guess.

      When you win, stop playing the game.

      25% NVDA. Sell covered calls at your desired strike and expiration.

      74% zero cost market index.

      1% two chicks at the same time.

    6. Artificial_Squab on

      Don’t risk what you can’t afford to lose for what you don’t need.

    7. sellpremium2022 on

      Mans about to have 40k shares next week, wow. This was probably a buy for you 8 years ago, and you held this whole time, you have some guts man, well done. When the nearly 80% margins peak, its lights out for NVDA, keep that in mind. The covered call potential for an easy 250K a year at this current price range is what WSB wishes for.

    8. Sell upside calls against your position and use the proceeds to buy puts. Easy peezy, esp since puts are cheaper than calls, in terms of premium

    9. Probably wait until after the split.

      Then start selling covered calls.

      But not all of them. Have to consider taxes.

    10. Immediate-Product167 on

      You’re already in long-term capital gains territory. Is your state high income tax or something? Why not just sell and diversify? You’re going to be hit with taxes one day anyway when you sell.

    11. MangoTwistedMetal on

      Sell 2000 shares. Make $2,328,000 profit. Pay your long term capital gains of $465,748 to Uncle Sam. Take your $1,862,922 and buy a nice, safe money market fund with a rick free rate of 5.5% interest. Now you are making $102,464 every year risk free. While also having $2,328,000 in NVDA. Boom you are set for life. Congrats.

    12. Sell it and pay the taxes. Long term cap gains aren’t so bad. It’s worth it. Might be worth moving to a no tax state if you’re not tied down. If you’re in California or New York a move to Texas or Florida for a year would save you ~$500K in taxes.

    13. ThisCryptographer311 on

      I would hedge it by fucking selling it you greedy little knuckledragger

    14. paperpeddler on

      You, and excuse my language, jagged tooth mother fucker congrats! Got damn Idk how I missed nvidia. Something something the forest for the trees.

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