If you guessed that first peak, you are mistaken. That was a Reddit penny stock that unfortunately pumped and dumped. So after that, I had stumbled upon wallstreetbets and learned about a more civilized form of investing called options. Things escalated quickly and before I knew it I found myself full ported into Nvidia 7dte right before GTC (March 18-24th). Somehow made it out alive and ahead going from 200k>150k >240k. After that, I pissed away ~40k on various options, and, naturally, decided to test my luck again and full ported on April 9th, expiring April 12th. This took me from 200k to 300k. Then, things took a turn. On April 19th, Nvidia tanked 10% due to smci decision to not release preliminary revenue (talk about abunch of bullshit). I initially told myself I should wait till end of day and then load up on calls right before close (this is my biggest regret). But I saw Nvidia had already dipped 5% that morning and I couldn’t resist and started buying calls around 25k. Every time it dipped I loaded another 25k bullet, but it just kept dipping and I kept firing. Until, finally, I was down to my last 25k bullet and bought right at close. That Friday, my account value at the end of the day fell to 97k (Ouch). Sold Monday and clawed myself back to 150k (this is what I started with when I first opened my account). Then 2 days later, I decided third times the charm, and full ported into Nvidia with 75k into 3dte and the other 75k into a Nvidia call expiring post earnings report. I sold the 3 dte for 110k and held onto the other option through earnings that was now valued at 230k. My account peaked at 383k. Inevitably, I pissed away ~50k (thanks Dell), but I now have the rest of my portfolio in Nvidia stock, like a boomer. Ending my account value around 331k today. I am done with options for the time being. I am going to buy a sauna (for the stress), some workout equipment, a mountain bike, maybe remodel my kitchen, and an espresso machine with my winnings. Made the mistake of not buying anything with my gains the first time and almost lost it all with nothing to show for. Decided, I’m not doing that again.


    Posted by Chunkydoggg


    1. **User Report**| | | |
      **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 month ago
      **Total Comments** | 4 | **Previous Best DD** |
      **Account Age** | 6 months | |

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    2. This story checks out.

      It reads like a classic retail trader’s tale: big wins, bigger losses, and a healthy dose of FOMO and regret. This trader’s strategy is clearly high-risk, high-reward, and it’s

    3. Federal_Ad_197 on

      Congrats and fuck you. Get a sauna so you can literally sweat your balls off watching your portfolio fluctuate by 10s of thousands. You’ll be back on 0dte next week don’t worry. Road to a million

    4. Congratulations bro! Good idea spending the winnings, and taking a break. Nvidia made so many people so much money, it’s crazy. Glad you did well. That was certainly a WSB approach to trading them.

    5. I started options a few month ago. Had some options during earnings go the wrong way … like all of them. 😂 but being more judicious in my options decisions and also buying more leveraged ETFs and buying and selling those a bunch. Been doing better with those. Mostly timing NVDL, BOIL/KOLD and TQQQ/SQQQ. At least with leveraged ETFs there’s no risk of losing everything. Lesson I learned is diversify a little. All my YOLOS have gone bad so no more of that!😒

    6. SnooHabits6429 on

      more civilized form of investing called options
      Gg’s fellow regard 

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