Tesla stands by Musk pay after ISS urges shareholders to reject package


    Posted by batyrshah


    1. throwaway_0x90 on

      > _”A deal should be a deal. He delivered on his end of the bargain. It’s time for us to deliver on ours.”_

      As long as it’s an honest legit deal.

      The counter arguments:


      > _”Tornetta argued that shareholders were not told how easily the goals would be achieved when they voted on the package.”_


      > _”ISS said in its recommendations on Tesla’s proxy voting items that Musk’s stock-based package was outsized when it was approved by shareholders in 2018, and it failed to accomplish board objectives voiced at that time. The firm said that Tesla met the pay package’s performance objectives, and it recognized the company’s substantial growth in size and profitability. But concerns about Musk spending too much time on other ventures that were raised in 2018 and since then have not been sufficiently addressed, ISS said. “The grant, in many ways, failed to achieve the board’s other original objectives of focusing CEO Musk on the interests of Tesla shareholders, as opposed to other business endeavors, and aligning his financial interests more closely with those of Tesla stockholders,” ISS wrote.”_

    2. “Tesla on Monday defended a proposal . . . ”
      “Board of appointed sycophants defended a proposal . . .” FTFY.

    3. Ok_Somewhere4737 on

      Tesla’s board is full of Muskovich yesmen

      So shareholders need mainly to replace board’s members.

    4. >”A deal should be a deal. He delivered on his end of the bargain. It’s time for us to deliver on ours.”

      reality is shareholders created the value of TSLA.

    5. He did the impossible and risked getting paid zero. They need to own up to their side of the bargain.

    6. Historical-Wing-7687 on

      Doesn’t that come out to something like $10,000 per car sold? Or is my math wrong?

    7. ISIS are just a bunch of terrorists. They cannot be trusted in any discussion of any package.

    8. No_Nose2819 on

      “Pay the man his money” said in a John Malkovich Russian accent 😂🤣

    9. Icy-Subject-6118 on

      Would Tesla be worth what it’s worth or even close to that without Elon saving it? No. It’d be bankrupt without his investments. Now pay him. Like him or not the only reason we have teslas is him

    10. AnonymousUser2700 on

      Can’t wait to return to break even so that I can exit this pos company. I can’t believe I even invested in it. It’s crazy to even be attempting this in the middle of a 57% decline from ATH.

    11. P_BatemanPhonkMix on

      If you get rid of musk prepare for Tesla to be valued like a car company.

      If you own shares of Tesla you really, really don’t want that.

    12. geneticdeadender on

      55b compensation for a company worth a company worth 550b.

      Ten percent of the value of Tesla paid to one person EVERY YEAR?

      You are cracked and deserve to lose every penny.

    13. Can’t wait for the pay package to be rejected. I was all for them giving the pay package as a matter of Merica but dam his antics as of late, he needs a reality slap in the face.

    14. so what happens to tesla after paying out this bonkers amount?
      Is it in reality just a different name who owns the shares but Musk won’t sell them off, so it basically stays all the same but Musk has way more power over the company?
      or is teslas operations limited in any way after that?

    15. “A functionally equivalent grant of new options could result in an accounting charge of more than $25 billion”

      Someone tell Tesla I’ll do the accounting for only $20 billion

    16. sunplaysbass on

      I can’t even say anything remotely funny about this guy. It’s a real world super villain. Just another guy that would be better off…using helicopters more often.

    17. >A functionally equivalent grant of new options could result in an accounting charge of more than $25 billion, compared to the $2.3 billion charge originally recognized for the 2018 award

      The sycophant clowns who write this shit 💀

    18. So much crying here. Musk got this payout by increasing the share value from 20, in 2019, to over 300, in 2021. If you only bought the stock at the highs, it is on you. I am enjoying my massive gains. And I am not selling. I still believe we will see 400 again in a couple of years. Only Jensen has been better than Musk to my portfolio.

    19. throwaway_tendies on

      This is a lose-lose situation:

      If Elon gets the pay package he’s siphoning money out of the company during a time when demand for EV is waning.

      If Elon doesn’t get the pay package, he essentially said he would focus his attention on his many other projects (although it could be questioned about how much time he’s really spending on TSLA anyway).

    20. Head over the one of the cult subs and they’re tripping over themselves to defend him using every sound bite or whatever the written equivalent is.

      I’m starting to think that companies with “diehard fans” are just overvalued and manipulated.

      Puts make money too

    21. BearHugBull on

      I would love if he lost. The shit would hit the fan so hard. What happens to Twitter? All of his loans which is a lot.

    22. SmoothBrainSavant on

      my crystal ball says he gets the payout then shortly after he bails ( takes a step back from tesla to let others do everthing.. like they arent doing that already..prob in spite of his bullshit) to just do ai shit at X or whatever hes diverting nvidia chips to.

    23. IntentionDeep651 on

      Gosh , the older musk gets he looks more and more like my father ( minus the hair ) . Does this count for being named on a will?

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