1. MaxMouseOCX on

      It’s just in relation to poultry.

      So… No more “chicken big mac” – which is shit anyway, they’ll just call it something else.

      Their normal big mac, is fine.

      Edit: they can still call it chicken big mac, but then… So can everyone else.

    2. Thoughts_For_Food_ on

      “Pat McDonagh” owner of “Supermac” brought the lawsuit. I find this hilarious. Couldn’t he call it anything else?

    3. Pearse_Borty on

      Common Supermacs W

      If your out of the loop, Supermacs tried to franchise outside of Ireland and set up branches in Australia, but McDonalds sued so they couldnt because of similarity in product. This is a great middle finger back to McDonalds and could flip the script so they can open in Australia again

    4. Apple can finally release their bigger Mac as the new BigMac. Calls on Apple?

    5. Frankly, the Big Mac remains a mystery to me, and I wouldn’t consider it any great loss to lose the Big Mac. I’m someone who loves a good burger, but this gick-covered nonsense which is th Big Mac has never made much since to me.

    6. nowherebut4ward on

      If I was to set up a burger cart in the US and sell “European BigMacs” does that infringe on the trademark?

      If so, would a hyphenated version work?

    7. MariusNinjai on

      now i can say i am eating a BigMac now but in reality it’s some cheap knock off and you would’t know that i am europoor.

    8. Sandvicheater on

      The lost “Le BigMac” trademark? Hopefully they keep their royale with cheese trademark.

      Also what do they call a Whopper in Europe?

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