Every time


    Posted by VizzionEnvy


    1. Educational-Dot318 on

      sounds about right (especially with the stock split) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    2. aHOMELESSkrill on

      Thought I could make some easy money when it hit 1190 by buying puts because it certainly couldn’t go any higher.

    3. Oh it’s time to sell now because I’m buying of course. Guarantee to go down.

    4. Likely to correct down tomorrow pre-market and early trading before ripping up again

    5. KittenLOVER999 on

      It’s not gonna have any notable correction until after the split lock-in tomorrow

    6. RocksLibertarianWood on

      @ $900 I was afraid to buy because it was peak

      @ $975 I wasn’t about to be caught holdin bags

      @ $1025 this shit is crazy

      @ $1150 maybe I should buy, that’ll cause it to burst

      I have nothing

    7. Lazy_Acanthisitta729 on

      I’m in this meme and not on the winning side. Nvidia can’t keep getting away with this ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

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