During the COVID trading frenzy, work from home stocks, as well as others, boomed, but have since cooled off considerably. Examples being ZM and DOCU. Of course, lots of other stocks also benefited after the initial COVID crash, but some of those have kept their momentum. Example being Dominos.

    I believe the USA Today just published an article that Michigan is “ground zero” (their words) for the bird flu and that some farm workers have even gotten it. Add that to the fact that Fauci just testified again he doesn’t think we are ready for another pandemic and this thing is starting to seem eerily similar to 2020.

    What do you all think about jumping into stocks that thrived during the pandemic? There are obviously lots of others to benefit from such an event too and my list is not meant to be exhaustive.

    W.H.O. Says the bird flu has officially jumped to humans, is it time to buy Pandemic booming Stocks?
    byu/Remote_Special_7050 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Remote_Special_7050


    1. I don’t think we’ll see any appetite for Covid levels of shut down again, regardless of the contagion.

    2. It depends which stocks you are talking about. I don’t think I would be buying $PTON, but maybe $MRNA…..

    3. RecommendationNo6304 on

      Bird to Human, Cow to Human… this is not interesting. Answer yes to these questions and then we’re talking about something interesting:

      1) Does it spread Human to Human?

      2) Is the R number (rate of transmission) above 1?

      3) Does it induce severe illness or death?

    4. MoistAttitude on

      How about 3M? They made all the N95 respirators, as well as hazmat suits, gloves, etc…
      And the stock is down almost half from their price back in early 2021.

    5. UNLESS this thing turns into the Black Plague and has a 99.99% death rate,,,

      Nothings going to happen,,, not a thing

    6. Bird flu hasn’t jumped to human on human transmission which means this doesn’t matter. The day it does you’re looking at the Spanish flu again. So no I’m cash gang when that happens. For now yolo calls

    7. Quirky-Contract5826 on

      H1N5 is very deadly in Humans. 50% survival.

      One of the big differences with CoVid, with a natural 98% survival rate.

      It’s REALLY hard to say what a outbreak of H1N5 would do. A lot depends on the parameters. Covid was perfect. (3-8 days to symptoms, asymptomatic transmission. Low kill rate.) All of that adds up to a bunch of infected travelers. And, a lot of unconcerned potential infector vectors.

      If H1N5 knocks you on your ass in 1 day and kills you half the time, you have a lot less transmission. That’s EBOLA.

      If H1N5 Knocks you on your ass in 5 days and kills you half the time, you have a LOT more scared people. Black Plague. Most of us know how that turned out.

      So, we don’t know the parameters yet. No Human 2 Human transmission.

    8. unless you see chinese mfs getting welded shut in their apartments i would bet on it

    9. gnocchicotti on

      Buy 30 year treasuries until the pandemic breaks out, then switch UPRO and wait for JPow to turn on the money printer again

    10. cyphonismus on

      Maybe we could like warehouse a ton of bats, pigs, cows,anteaters, pangolins, and like have them all sort of sneeze all over each other?
      Kinda recreate 2020 but with better market timing.

    11. Just wait for the inevitable panic to set in and jump in once prices are low. Same as last time around. 

    12. If you’re going to report on this, please be accurate.

      480 people have gotten bird flu over the course of a decade. Majority survive and might only get pink eye.

      The one that this account is reporting is NOT h5n1 which has been killing off birds and other wild life for the past year. The few humans who caught it had pink eye or didn’t even know they were “sick”.

      This doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods but once pigs get it then we can start seeing if this will be deadly for humans. Currently in animals it’s at 50% fatality. But when it jumps to humans it will change and there is a chance it could just be like any other flu.

      Lastly, the US can absolutely not handle another pandemic. A great deal of the population will not comply with any lock downs and many businesses will refuse to shutter. The only way people will comply is if they are directly affected by it with people they know dying left and right.

    13. Why put yourself out there now? Just wait for the crash and jump in with your cash then.

    14. neutralityparty on

      Nah it’s not gonna be they same level. The new bird flu virus has a lot more fatal rate. COVID you were very likely to survive. That means way less transmission. It’s always a trade off more transmission less lethal or more lethal and less transmission.  The stocks will pop but you ain’t getting covid gravy 

    15. cinciNattyLight on

      Remember swine flu? 90% of Americans got it eventually. Nobody remembers.

    16. Low_Grand_4510 on

      Saw two ravens going crazy outside. One spit something up in the other ravens mouth. All in $TGOC

    17. DrPawRunner on

      I think vaccine stocks could be worth playing, although you might already be too late. Moderna already announced a deal with the US gov for vaccine development iirc. Pandemic fatigue is real so if you’re going to make any sort of play, I’d look at stuff the government would be dumping money into. Given it’s an election year, the Biden admin probably wants to cover its bases even if RSV isn’t on the scale of covid simply because they don’t want to be caught with their pants down like the Trump admin/world was

    18. There’s 3 confirmed cases… I wouldn’t go dipping into your margin just yet.

    19. ottergang_ky on

      Covid was legitimately the best time of my life. My work shut down but my wife’s work did not. So I got to stay at home dad for a few months with my daughter who I missed a lot of things growing up because of work. We bonded significantly and my life has been so much better. I’ll always look back as that being some of the happiest moments of my life. Bring on 2.0 anytime baby

    20. Repulsive_Ebb_779 on

      NVAX up on the announcement of an updated protein based COVID booster due September. Stock has a reasonable short interest would be interesting to see how the stock would go if they have anything for H5N1 in the works.

    21. Euphoric_Card_624 on

      Nobody should ever take a “pandemic” seriously again.

      How embarrassing 2020 was for the world.

      Where’s covid now? Lmao 🤣

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