It's a horse race now for the Feds.

    Posted by OpportunityNo2074


    1. futurespacecadet on

      If the unemployment numbers lower or stay the same why would they think of cutting? If they jump up….maybe

    2. So what will happen if interest rates are cut? I know we’re all expecting that to be a magic bullet that will just somehow fix things. Maybe it’ll lead to some short term market euphoria, but there are just too many problems that are compounding ie. Debt, Unemployment, etc.

    3. Cold-Permission-5249 on

      Seems to me that central banks are starting to be more concerned about their respective economies more than sticky inflation. I’m starting to wonder if the risk of global stagflation is rising.

    4. Prestigious-Toe8622 on

      lol it’s not a horse race. Europes economy is in tatters but inflation is low so the rate cuts needed to happen. US economy is booming and inflation is still too high. No rate cuts

    5. On one hand, I should sell EUR, on the other hand, USD president is pooping live 

      Whataworld we’re living in

    6. horst-graben on

      ECB wanted to fulfill their promise more than fight inflation. Should’ve held for one more quarter before cutting. US Fed needs one cut by year end. The lack of cuts may likely be keeping inflation high.

    7. datsmamail12 on

      I have like 50 mbp/s in my area,does that affect the situation somehow?

    8. Could someone please explain to my old butt what a couple of basis points in cuts is really going to do for the market? I swear, this is all people and the news cycle is blabbing about lately. I mean for crying out loud, Nvidia is up 211.34% in the last year, and the interest rate has been the highest it’s been in over 20 years, so again… what difference will it make?

    9. The_real_triple_P on

      When they spamming no rate cuts incoming thats when you know that ratea are going down![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    10. US economy has been wildly outperforming to all others, Euro included. No need for immediate cuts here. But, they’re looking for any excuse to appease the deep pockets in America.

      It’s all related.

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