Entered Hood 06/07 $21 calls yesterday was down 50% and today rallies on news and bangs my girlfriend, Hood up


    Posted by Brennan133


    1. idkwhatimbrewin on

      Far too many of these first time posts. We must be approaching a top

    2. BroadIce3895 on

      I bought HOOD pre-IPO and my cost is $55. Still holding on and hoping it will get back. $15k worth $3k or something now

    3. Elegant-Cat-4987 on

      Semantics police here.

      By calling it a bagger, he implies 1 zero. Couple this with the fact that he makes the claim with 100% certainty and this is technically correct.

    4. OkField5046 on

      Boy my watchlist makes a shit ton of money
      Wish my actual account did
      God I suck

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