1. shortdogemaster on

      WSB went from stopgema stock obsessed to $NVDA… AND IM HERE FOR IT

    2. Muscle_Gamer on

      If I knew how to do a banbet I would bet rivian hits $15 in 2 months.

      Gut feeling. Gut was right 80% of the time

      Just regard. Don’t mind

    3. Bobby-Firmino-Legend on

      SoFi rally 2 days in. Jump aboard sports fans. $9 .50 by end of July

    4. Neel_Crashkari on

      Sold gmreee right before the gap up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

      Made small change on spy calls

      Bought 560c’s for next friday

    5. albatrossspecialist on

      Way OOTM DOCU puts have a chance at not expiring worthless tmrw. Also – for those of you wondering how DOCU can go down despite the share buyback – they didn’t mention AI enough. I’ve said before, and I’ll keep saying it – either you say AI a lot or you’re involved in people not being fat (Lulu, HIMs, etc) or you’re going to go down.

    6. Mysterious_Sweet_171 on

      Why DOCU down? What in the actual flying meatballs saucer is happening. It beats it earning and revenue and even buy over 1 billion in stocks back. WHY ARE YOU DOWB?!, My $5000, $60 Calls are getting fuck šŸ˜­

    7. GingerStank on

      I really need NVDA to stay under 1400, or 140 post-split for another week so I can get at least 100 shares and join theta gang

    8. YourCautionaryTale on

      The worst part about the pump and dump is that it makes the other, even dumber, apes think they can come here and sell their bags. BB, Rivian, Popcorn… We’ll be seeing people try to hype DoleĀ before the end of the week.

    9. The_Albertino on

      Still hanging onto my AAPL 185P, it is both allergic to 195 and weaker than any other tech. Idc about the event whatsoever

    10. I didn’t buy Amazon calls this morning cus I thought it would follow the index ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    11. thezenunderground on

      Today was the cutoff for NVDA split. Which I don’t get, because the split doesn’t happen till Monday. What happens if you buy tomorrow??

    12. #Ban Bet Lost

      /u/baconography made a bet that ARM would go to 141.95 within **1 day** when it was 135.846 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

      Their record is now 12 wins and 29 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    13. It absolutely boggles my mind that the cultists continue to put good money into these dumpster fires. GME? CVNA? but worst of all AMC. How much more pain do you apes need to feel to learn a lesson or two!?!

    14. #You Are Not Replaceable ā¤ļø

      Your risk tolerance is wild enough for you to be here. You will get through this. Take a break and come back fresh. Donā€™t chase your losses. Talk to some comrades here about how dumb your plays were. If you still feel like you canā€™t handle life; check out the resources below. Thereā€™s no shame in reaching out. My inbox is always open as well, though response time may vary. Worst case, thereā€™s always bankruptcy, and even that isnā€™t the end of the world.

      **24/7 Crisis Hotline:** 1-800-273-TALK (8255) (Veterans, press 1)

      **Crisis Text Line:** Text ā€œHOMEā€ to 741-741

      **Veterans Crisis Line:** Send a text to 838255

      **SAMHSA Treatment Referral Hotline (Substance Abuse)** 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

      **The National Problem Gambling Helpline:**

      Call: 1-800-522-4700

      Text: 800-522-4700



      **Jam Cramerā€™s OnlyFans Hotline: 1-800-743-2622**

    15. Goody2Shoes92 on

      Is CatDude the greatest trader of all time? Fuck no, read a book. Thereā€™s professional traders on Wall Street have a better hit rate than him, thereā€™s traders that have made more than he has in a single day, thereā€™s traders that have made more return on a percentage basis.

      He IS the best at using social media to make him money from his trade because were fucking sitting here yapping about it

    16. Bobby-Firmino-Legend on

      SoFi rally underway. July strongest month for stocks especially first two weeks, rate cuts imminent, sandbagged q2 earnings around the corner, SoFi stock deeply undervalued as held down for months. Watch the fierce price action over next 6-8 weeks.

    17. I love how both jimmy and NVDA take turns giving me dopamine highs. I’m always upĀ 

    18. Greatkabuki22 on

      With all that Whispering Pussy shit we should be making moves on RDDT..it’s the platform on which all this shitz ride on…instead of throwing it away make it pay go RDDT ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)

    19. Interesting seeing the dynamic of the former “Covid darlings” like Zoom and DocuSign, who’s stocks had gotten obliterated from their high’s, authorize these huge stock repurchase plans. Most of them are also producing free cashflow / net income. The stocks, however, haven’t really done much though.

    20. Dear-Bet7063 on

      50k to 500 mil is insaneĀ 

      I have a feeling his last act will be doubling this to make himself a billionaireĀ 

    21. Ill-Site-3235 on

      How long does it take for my money to get back in my buying power on a cash account on RH if I sold my contract today

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