10K Gain


    Posted by Fukisyoutalkinabout


    1. vaginal-prolapse on

      Bought a 50 call that expires tomorrow for 600 bucks… hope im not fucked lol

    2. Tight-Astronomer-765 on

      Anyone can explain why ppl will buy the option @ 100 strike price? It doesn’t make sense to me for buying it, because 100 strike price is two times more of the all time high price.

      Next question is how come buying that 100 strike price option can also make money? I mean option price is highly related to volatility, which means there are ppl want to buy that contract as well, so making that contract price keep going up. So back to first question, why ppl will buy that contract?

    3. Big_sugaaakane1 on

      Gg ez to the regards that sold under 20 after holding at a loss for 3 years lmaoooooo

    4. PooPooPointBoiz on

      who the fuck is buying those calls off you?

      100 strike by the end of 6/21? How the fuck?

      I mean, I guess it’s possible, but I wouldn’t bet on it like that.

    5. How does someone purchase this kind of thing? Is it basically a guess what the price of the stock is going to be in a future date, and if you exercise it, you make money?

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