A friend told me to post this here, and helped me realize just how stupid I am because I did not. This morning I was feeling FOMO and thought I should try some low risk trading on a fun stock. I also thought

    1. an option is 1 share (It is 100 shares)

    2. Options are low risk because I don't have to buy the stocks so they are very cheap

    3. The premium listed on Fidelity is the total price that I was buying and therefore risking (It was per option)

    I now understand what I did (not really) but I had no idea that I spent $65k this morning (my fault but fidelity should tell you also why can you spend that much from an app) and then went to a picnic and work and left my phone in my car. I'm never trading options again.


    First option trade today
    byu/raspberryKetchup inwallstreetbets

    Posted by raspberryKetchup


    1. I think the fidelity app tells you your potential gains and losses for options.

    2. wait i’m confused, how did you spend 65k in the morning? looks like a fill at 18.1k that you sold for 127k

    3. What? You didn’t spend 65k.

      You spent 18k and sold for 127k.

      You made 109k profit, accidentally…

      **congrats and fuck you?**

    4. first one’s free. withdraw the money. delete the app. keep some for uncle sam

    5. When this hits the top I want everyone to know I had the 69th upvote.

      Congrats and fuck you OP, you beautiful tard, you.

    6. WestCoastAutistBull on

      Is this satire? OP drops ~$18K on gamecock FDs not knowing what he just did, goes to a picnic and returns ~$100K richer!? Meanwhile I’ve been looking at charts all day only to lose money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)congrats and fuuuuuuuck you

    7. SmoooooothBrain on

      I have both anteriograde and retrograde amnesia after reading this post. What the hell was that I just read

    8. this dude doesn’t even know what an option is and he’s making more money than me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    9. Unknownirish on

      Congratulations OP. Just remember the first one is free. After that, Wendy’s nights behind the dumpster.

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