Opened early in may and have been averaging up a couple times. Will let it ride till expiration. Used a combination of futes and options to up the leverage. Figured some of you might have gotten nuked recently and would like to see this. This is quite the birthday present but money comes and goes.

    Futures gains/losses are "realized" daily so these read as unrealized but the money is definitely gone.

    Posted by SLATT__SLIME


    1. bawtatron2000 on

      that’s intense. i guess some people have enough money to play with what for some is an ideal lifetime savings nest egg

    2. Meh. You have 41 left.

      Actually, if you have a brain in your head you have a lot more than that left. I doubt you’d YOLO your entire net worth into this.

      Hey, do me a favor and dump 20M into GRND today so I can exit my position :p

    3. TabletopParlourPalm on

      The fact that this 23 y/o kid just lost a mil like nothing showed how pathetic I am working a doomed job earning absolutely shit lol.

    4. MangoTwistedMetal on

      Excuse me good sir, my blind youth baseball team is raising money for underprivileged orphans, three legged dogs and of course the troops. If you are finished burning money. We could really use a new practice facility to heal wounded refugees fleeing war zones, while also growing crops to end world hunger. Lmao jk. Love the loss porn šŸ˜‚

    5. Muted-Woodpecker-469 on

      An easy 5% of a mil is $50,000 annually. You couldnā€™t have just been happy with that?

      What was your goal? Double or triple a million?

    6. You shouldnā€™t have done that. If you did the opposite everything would be okay. Hope this helps. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

    7. Agreeable-Wing-1652 on

      Since you have mentally accepted that the loss is 1M, can you give me the 82k? šŸ˜

    8. Abject_Natural on

      you want karma? uncover that % of portfolio. loss probably means nothing

    9. How did you make $3M

      And more importantly why are you not doing that instead of gamble on futures contracts?

      Tier 1 regard I see ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    10. E-mins are my jam! I just donā€™t swing trade them, I never hold them longer than a day, I scalp them usually in and out in under 5-15 minutes. I see you got a big ol 160 contract shortsky @ 5251.25, whatā€™s that like $1.88M margin req? Down about 50% unrealized? For folks not familiar with /ES that means E-mini June 24 futures contacts have to come back down to 5251.25 for him to break even (he still has to pay commissions on those 160 contacts so real BE is a bit lower). To trade one /ES June 24 contact the margin requirement is $11.8k, he shorted 160 contracts, 160 x $11.8k is approximately $1.88M in margin requirement plus cost of commissions to open this position. The market has been going up the past week, explaining the negative P/L on his short.

      You know it not out of the realm of possibility that this could still turn around for you in the next week or two but Iā€™m curious do you have a stop somewhere? It is a short after all, 100%?, 200%?, ā™¾ļø?

    11. seyuelberahs on

      What is this? The price at the top left corner has a background in a different color indication you are using delayed market data. You are gambling more than a million but can’t afford real time market data on IBKR?

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