If you look back at my post from 16 days ago you will see I was questioning buying $1600 call options for NVIDIA at the cheap price of $18 per call. I got called crazy and dumb by fellow redditors. Looking back I won’t listen to what others have to say because just two days ago I got curious and checked and saw they happened to be trading around $85 in the recent run by NVIDIA. Moral of the story if the options are cheap and you have a gut feeling that a catalyst may temporarily swing the price of the call option then just go ahead and get some. The catalyst I honestly had in mind was the 10-1 stock split which still hasn’t occurred yet. I am the type of individual who overthinks everything, but maybe just maybe one of these days I will learn to trust my gut. It ends up being right most of the time!

    NVIDIA June 14th $1600 Call Option
    byu/Andyhandy23 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Andyhandy23


    1. Thelast-Fartbender on

      That one time you’ll actually trust your gut and do the move, it’s going to go against you.

      Source: me.

    2. failf0rward on

      Don’t confuse pure dumb luck with good instincts. That’s how they get you.

    3. FisherGoneWild on

      You missed your one gut feeling. The others will be losses. See, you’re just a regard like everyone, nothing special.

    4. slam-dunk-1 on

      “The catalyst that I had in mind was the 10-1 stock split”

      ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) thanks chief, yes what an unheralded and secret catalyst your ‘gut’ came up with. And you let your genius get stifled by wsb?

      Belongs here like a mod, this regard

    5. Oh, bravo, you financial wizard! So, let me get this straight: you threw darts blindfolded and accidentally hit a bullseye, and now you’re the new Warren Buffett? Classic WSB move.

      “Cheap” $18 calls on NVIDIA? Clearly, you’ve got diamond hands and a gut feeling that even Nostradamus would envy. And the 10-1 stock split that hasn’t even happened yet? Genius! Truly, betting on phantom catalysts is a strategy worthy of ape admiration.

      I guess we should all ignore the haters and follow our “gut” feelings. Because, as you so brilliantly demonstrated, if you randomly YOLO enough, you might just stumble into tendies. Thanks for the enlightenment, Nostrapredamus. Keep trusting that gut of yours – it’s obviously a financial oracle. 🚀📈💎🙌

    6. You can check out this options calculator here:


      Just to see what you’re looking at. Aka the likelihood of good payouts.

      If you think you know better than the system, then hey what the heck, it’s your money. But also good to have a gut check against some real numbers every now and then.

    7. Results-based thinking is pretty dangerous in this game. I encourage you to buy weeklies that are 40%+ OTM going forward though.

    8. Chaminade64 on

      The Market operates just like a drug dealer, it always gives you a nice taste….almost on the house……and then you’re hooked.

    9. greenandycanehoused on

      The lotto tickets lose much more frequently and much higher percentage of premium than the options with strikes that are right next to the share price when you buy it. So, knowing that is part of the equation in deciding whether an option is worthwhile.

    10. Fair_Philosopher575 on

      I got the script brother. Wednesday, they’re gonna announce rate cut, NVDA to 200$ post split 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 we eating Wangyu beef, caviar. I will lick Dubai’s gold ice cream between the hottest OF titties 🤑🤑 BIDEN 2024 🦅🇺🇸

    11. strthrowreg on

      How can June 14th 1600 call option be trading at $85? Are you sure the date and strike prices you’re looking at are correct? I would expect it to be trading for pennies.

    12. terrybmw335 on

      The most profitable trade is always the one you thought about but didn’t pull the trigger on.

    13. Any-Following6236 on

      So the stock needs to go to 4T for you to make money? No problem, wish I thought of that.

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