Musk to Tesla shareholders: “Loyalty deserves loyalty.”

    Posted by GoMx808-0


    1. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    2. K_Linkmaster on

      Insider trading and cronies demands insider training and cronies.

      You ain’t on the list.

    3. Why does this guy needs more money? Its almost like hes begging at this point

    4. lostredditorlurking on

      Says the guy who is on X(Twitter) 24/7 trolling instead of doing his job as a Tesla CEO

    5. Candlelight_Fant4sia on

      *If any of my companies goes public, we will try to extract more money from existing bagholders first…*

    6. InterstellarReddit on

      Yeah what he’s going to run a report and see the purchase date of your shares?

    7. kingOofgames on

      What kind of fool would believe a habitual liar. It’s almost his character at this point.

    8. coyotechicago on

      Reading between lines….I need you now and I’m sure I’ll think about me 100 times.befor thinking of you

    9. SocialSuicideSquad on

      Also Elon – “Hey NVDA, fuck TSLA send those GPUs to my private companies.”

    10. The_Juice_Gourd on

      Elon trying to pump TSLA before they sue his ass again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    11. This dude is literally the successful version of Donald trump. Needs loyalty, very very smart, only he can fix things, everyone else is a moron, came from nothing, treats people like shit, can’t keep a wife, awesome father, etc etc

    12. Beginning_Frame6132 on

      Wasn’t this guy supposed to start mining bitcoin on Mars by now? He can move all the ore with Cybertrucks and extract the Bitcoin with Dojo computers…

    13. Pitiful_Difficulty_3 on

      Yeah and X got the AI chip that was supposed to be sent to Tesla

    14. Is this about Elon shifting NVIDIA chips his public owned company (Tesla) paid for to Twitter the privately held company while putting Tesla on the waiting list to get their original chip order?

    15. delicious_oppai on

      How about you show loyalty by becoming a full time CEO first. Fucking clown.

    16. Everything about this clown screams puts then he goes to China and makes some kind of stupid deal and calls print.

      No current tsla positions and haven’t been victim to his moronic snake oil shenanigans but jeez

    17. Johnny_Menace on

      He’s throwing shade at Ryan “Rug Pull” Cohen. Apes worship him and he rug pulled them twice! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    18. Ucanttellmyllama on

      As an investor, imagine the opportunity of being first to invest into spaceX once it goes public. I don’t think many people realize how valuable that company is. The guy is a complete trash bag. But he sure is smart. Maybe not smart enough to run a social media company but smart enough to be an innovator in tech.

    19. Its been 3+ years and my Tesla smart wipers still dont work like they should so I voted no with my shares.

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