Multiple chances to take profit never did but I haven’t learned yet I guess, cause I still think I can do this 😭😭

    Posted by SolidMix977


    1. cryptocorrection69 on

      Holy shit a true $0.00…not even enough to turn it around ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. Let me guess, NVDA puts? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. What do you mean chance of profit, that shit started going down the moment you deposited the money.

    4. strthrowreg on

      Will love to go over your trades. Because it doesn’t look like you lost it all in one go.

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