Stock splits for dummies

    Posted by Classic-Chocolate943


    1. DontGrowAttached on

      You can’t fool me! I know for a fact that a 2 for 1 split is when your wife leaves you for her boyfriend.

    2. Not going to stop Monday morning posts. Waiting for “Am I F’d NVDA down $900 overnight!?” 

    3. Federal_Ad_197 on

      Wonder if they’ll be a bunch of regards that panic sell tomorrow when nvdia stock price updates

    4. killerbeeswaxkill on

      Won’t buy at ATH but will buy on a 10-1 split make it make sense.

    5. fenriswulfwsb on

      Oh, it’s guaranteed to go up after splitting then, right?… Right???

    6. quiksilverr87 on

      Gotcha. So NVDA to 12,000$

      It’s nice to use social media to educate myself on my work breaks at Wendy’s

    7. It also cuts option prices in half so more regards can get into the game, thus causing the stock price to go to the moon.

    8. Prior_Industry on

      The reverse split line should continue trending down as it does 90% after a struggling company does this

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