It’s been a good run, thank you $NVDA for part of my down payment for my home 🫡

    Posted by Affectionate-Soil607


    1. AnyPortInAHurricane on

      sadly , you just bought the top of the housing market. see ya 50% lower in two years

    2. Congrats OP, way to take a win. Ignore everyone here that’s size shaming.


    3. GlassHalfFilled on

      Let me help some of these commenters;

      “…thank you $NVDA for **PART** of my down payment for my home”

    4. damn, i need to move to your neighborhood. You can’t even buy a porto potty around here for $15K

      (But for real, congrats – just making jokes because we are jealous!)

    5. You realize in an FHSA you need to spend the full amount in a year. Unlike an HSA

    6. Bottle_and_Sell_it on

      Hey regards yeah your house may be more $$$ but at least OP won’t be living w his mom anymore. Congrats op and fuck u

    7. I sold Tesla back in 2014 to buy a house… house has doubled since then… I don’t talk about Tesla.

    8. Congrats ! For those who don’t know this type of account is new in Canada as of last year. Not only tax free to be used for a first home purchase but also the amount put in is tax deductible. Max amount you can put in is 8000 a year. So OP has managed to do a great job starting that account. It’s not the finish line but it’s one hell of a start.

    9. amoral_ponder on

      Bro you’re from Canada. This is part of a down payment on a part of a closet.

      Lever up and double down :p

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