Posted by ZiRoRi


    1. the_next_core on

      If nothing else (there was basically nothing else), bringing ChatGPT to every iPhone user is a major step forward for AI

    2. Necessary-Onion-7494 on

      All those Gemini stories were false. They probably used Gemini to sweeten the deal with OpenAI

    3. fancyhumanxd on

      ChatGPT is just an extension. Apple basically made the leader of AI into a simple feature that has to ask Siri for permission lololol

    4. Moose_knucklez on

      Turned out that OpenAI was more of an icing on the cake option for AAPL users. They are using Apple silicon on servers otherwise and also on device.

      So they have an AI data enter, with Apple Chips, and a functional LLM already that works on device.

      IMO I feel like people are not paying attention. Tim just decided to check every box and say sure, why not, give em everything we got

    5. neutralityparty on

      Meh nothing really popped out in the presentation. I think apple game plan remains to bring this in house (I would be curious if they start poaching people in 3rd or 4th quarter)

    6. Spreading AI to the masses and getting huge amounts of data to train new models while not just keeping costs low with on-device processing but even better, incentivizing users to pay for the infrastructure by making them get new phones. Apple could actually be profiting more than most other players from AI.

    7. Southern-Salary-3630 on

      I’m doubling down on Apple, super like their privacy stance plus their something for all AI

    8. Southern-Salary-3630 on

      I’m all in baby. Just found the Bronski Beat on google, I trust apple WAY more to find this tune for me

    9. Stock-Science4213 on

      Everything is priced in, nvidia just a cash grab like always in the end of the rally there is something going vertical

    10. baconcheeseburgarian on

      Did Apple just become NVDA’s biggest competitor in AI data centers?

    11. AIStrategist on

      Guys, Apple March 21, 2025 (230 call @4.85) up 89% as of today for me.

      New to options. As we move towards year end, provided Apple stock is on upward trajectory, will the option price increase? or theta decay will kick in and cause it to drop below 4$? Is it ideal for one to hold or wrap?

    12. timetopractice on

      Not good for Apple. Submitting to being Microsofts bitch and the stock is supposed to go up? Nah

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