Intel backs away from Israel as a sight for next-gen fab expansion to focus on Ohio, remains committed to Israel as largest tech employer.

    Posted by BosSF82


    1. And perhaps focus on Ireland now to. Hard to say if reason behind this is geo-political, in a move to de-risk, geo-economic, if their projections for global chip demand will not require an additional plant, or corporate, if they simply feel overextended and want to go hard at hitting their Ohio timeframes.

      To me, anything that helps Ohio better and faster is a positive.

    2. PeteyMcPetey on

      Politics aside, at least Ohio isn’t gonna run outta water in the next few years.

    3. bawtatron2000 on

      LOL Israel? Yeah, that seems like a wise play. What a low risk of having anything ever go on there to delay production.

    4. it’s a good move. They are making the right moves right now by cutting costs. They did this + mass layoffs back in april 2016, and the stock went from $29.9 in april 2016 to $55 in march 2018. If they next year’s products + 18A are good, then the stock can go up a lot.

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