So….this is my first time trading options and I just made $100k on NVDA calls in 1 hour…Am I dreaming, guys?

    Posted by WackFlagMass


    1. FrostedSapling on

      The first ones free.

      But seriously cash out at least a portion of the position (if not all of it) and then play with house money

    2. ExtraGeoff31 on

      Idk how much your whole port is but if this is a lot for you I’d recommend learning options before you try to do anything else.

      This can be gone in less than an hour plus more.

      Congrats though

    3. Content_Success7881 on

      Take all your money out and don’t risk anymore of it (unless you really got it like that). And invest it in more “safe” less risky. avenues of stocks.

      Haters will say to double or nothing, they want to see that loss porn to make themselves feel better 😂


    4. Gemini_Of_Wallstreet on

      Congrats on the freebee

      Take it and RUN

      else you’ll be stuck in the constant search for this euphoria as the ever mesmerizing market tanks your port to -$100k

      tldr; first ones always a free thats how they hook you

    5. TortillaStrangler on

      How much in did it take to make that. 3g? More? None? Wtf I want this!

    6. cryptoislife_k on

      Sir welcome to the casino, now just replicate this every day and you’re good


    7. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      Legit, awesome dude.

      And also, I’d take 20k of that and keep.playing.

      Pocket the rest.

    8. MahaVakyas001 on

      post your original trade you muppet. how much did you invest and which calls etc.

    9. TheThreeInOne on

      Bro honestly you’re going to lose it. Believe me. I had a crazy first time like that and it messes with your expectations. That money goes fast.

    10. STOP DOING OPTIONS! Those 100K can get you far if you invest in 3-5 proper stocks! Don’t be regarded like the rest of us!

    11. Don’t look at your computer or account the rest of the day. Just walk away from the table. You crushed it.

    12. officialdaxon on

      Congrats and fuck you – now, for the love of God, never play options again take the 100k and put it away somewhere with a nice and safe ROI

    13. Evening-Parking on

      Pull it all out, slap it in an IRA and let that shit print until you retire. Forget it’s even there. Thank me later.

    14. Me who today bought 1 ETF of the SP500 as my only ever trading transaction. We are basically the same, you and I

    15. I’ve tried to understand how calls work, but genuinely it makes no sense.

      So for this $100k that this regard just made, does that mean some other regard LOST $100k? The money isn’t coming from nowhere, so I am just trying to piece together how this puzzle all works.

      Either way, congrats – cashout, pay some taxes and enjoy.

    16. I can’t wait to see what this guy posts next week from behind the Wendy’s

    17. nofaplove-it on

      First ones free. Sell and never do it again I’m very serious right now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

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