Elon Musk drops lawsuit after OpenAI published his emails


    Posted by falcontitan


    1. Enigmatic_Observer on

      When a man child argues with people that keep receipts – this is the result

    2. The musky boys aren’t going to like this one bit. Cant wait to hear how it’s another liberal conspiracy.

    3. Makes no sense. OpenAI told him to drop the suit or else they would publish, Musk refused and then immediately drops when they publish?

      Why not just drop it before and not look as dumb as this?

    4. EmporerPenguino on

      Skimmed the article just to make sure that it reflects a big ol’ giant dump taken on the man-baby, which it does. The more bad shit for Eloon, the happier I am.

    5. Hear me out on this, Tesla puts all the way, if you read the emails Elons plan the whole time was to integrate openai to tesla as the brain for the neural network car driving system, now that openai is out of the picture he is freaking out trying to launch his own AI (which will be aimed to be Teslas neural network).

    6. they are talking about “risk to the world” seriously ? like wtf. its just text prediction. no you arent changing the world with your bullshit language generator. and you arent open source either. i cant download training data/source/compiled code from openai so by definition its not open.

    7. Elon keeps getting L’s for being a massive gay f word.

      Literally got hit with a ‘this you?’ from the guys he’s suing and it shut him TF up.

    8. What is the investment thesis for people buying TSLA today. It’s up 4% despite the shareholder meeting tomorrow with only bad options. Either dilute significantly or the CEO goes on a rampage to punish the shareholders.

      Why does the number go up?

    9. Massive-Mail-5549 on

      Elon’s a sore loser. “OpenAI, meanwhile, accused Musk of essentially being jealous that he was no longer involved in the startup, after he left OpenAI in 2018 following an unsuccessful bid to convince his fellow co-founders to let Tesla acquire it.”

    10. Just wait if the new tesla pay for Elon dosent go through he will burn tesla to the ground to punish stock holders

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