What was the justification behind that? With all the news, and lagging price over last few months behind it's brothers, AAPL was a strong play. I feel bad for that guy, all in today with meetings, announcements, et al. Just because it went up, doesn't mean it's coming right down with that much volume.

    Where’s the guy who swore AAPL puts will print today? Guess we still have a few hours of life support
    byu/Golden1881881 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Golden1881881


    1. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      Man, for some reason I caught this dudes post that said “buy as many 210 calls as you can, trust” and it was so ominous, by some dude who didn’t post often and I just felt it was right .

      So I didn’t do it.

    2. -Indictment- on

      So many presumably android users said “aPpLe InTeLlIgEnCe iS aLrEaDy oN aNdRoId”.

      After 20 years of iPhone Keynotes, they are still fucking blind to Apples business strategy. That obviously works.

    3. Weird…. a few months ago this sub was telling me that Google and Apple were terrible companies and you must sell..

    4. I had 459 210 calls exp on fri. Sold after heavy loss on mon to breakeven. Hindsight trading is easy but that position would be worth 250k today. Fml

    5. UnfazedBrownie on

      Hehe, maybe they’ll print next week if life support doesn’t give out 🙃

    6. Ah I’ve been wondering who bought those puts from me… easiest grand ever made.

    7. EmbarrassedKick2219 on

      US federal reserve is renamed as iReserve and owned by apple![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    8. Big-Routine222 on

      When someone “swears,” anything, I instantly become more confident in my position on the opposite direction.

    9. banditcleaner2 on

      you’re on wsb so the thesis from that guy was very very simple: line went up too fast, line must go down

      that’s literally it lmao.

    10. I have about $4k in AAPL puts. The longest is 220p 9/20/2024. I did the same thing during the vision pro euphoria and made a decent profit. I wasn’t impressed by WWDC.

    11. TheyCallMeBigAndy on

      bought 7/5 205p. I made $700 yesterday morning and went back in for more. I am currently down 80% but I still have time. I break even as long as Apple swings back to 200 by 7/5. You can’t kill hope.![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    12. No-Examination4175 on

      Man I have apple 220 call for next year. Total 4. I sold for 2.30 per contract. Now it is more than 5k+ worth.

    13. going in AAPL puts after their biggest green day in years is some serious highly regarded behavior. AAPL cant move like that due to how diluted it is. Institutions went long in a big way and literally bought at ATH. If that happened… why tf would you short the day after. It usually pushes more after reaching new ATH because all those institutions arent going to sell off after 1 single day of going long.. jeez.

    14. Annnnn I sold my 195 call yesterday thinking there’s no way it keeps tracking. Took profit at 4-500 … I belong here![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    15. Ah man, poor guy. I feel. AAPL, ugh. My husband doesn’t really pay attention to the finances, I handle them all. He had a lot of shares of AAPL (his whole portfolio, not mine – no diversity at all, bought it when he was an Apple Certified Tech) and I talked him into selling half of it when it was at 188 and putting it into 5.5% fund – we’re getting older and I am watching this market and getting the same vibes from AI as I did in 1987, 2001 and 2008 for other bubble type events, and felt like we needed that insurance. We still have half but now I’m like…. blurghhhhhhhhh. But also, that’s what insurance is, right? RIGHT? The good thing is he probably won’t even follow what’s going on with AAPL this week so my marriage is intact, lol. But… oh man. Also, I hate USBank. I know if it was in Fidelity, I would have just put in trailing stops and let it ride but people can’t do self trade in USBank anymore. Oh well. My confession today. I keep telling myself, well, it could have gone the other way too, plus we still have half that went WTFU. Reverse FOMO or just FOMO now. We all make effed up decisions based on what we don’t know.

    16. My dumbass bought puts at 197.5, expiring the 21st. Just doubled down and bought 205 puts today.

      This regard is hoping for a miracle lol.

    17. Someone needed to get a bunch of eager apes they could sell overpriced premium too.

    18. PoopholeLicker on

      AAPL was honestly an incredibly obvious play to cross 200 within the next month or two. I didn’t expect this much movement but it was lagging behind the rest of the market, and so much good news.

      Too bad I have no money to make these plays

    19. Revolution4u on

      Apple shouldn’t be worth more than msft though, not with a half baked ai and calculator presentation

    20. cowboyhusker on

      Grabbed 1 6/14 210c at open and it’s up over 300%, thanks AAPL bulls. Glad I didnt let smokey the ber scur me.

      Hold till after the fed meeting or nah?

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