Fed Keeps Rates Steady and Forecasts Only One Cut This Year


    Posted by isbrobinson


    1. punanilover_69420 on

      Container shipping rates will hit ATH, even surpassing the 2021-22 levels due to the effects of the Houthi blockade of the Suez Canal.

      It won’t spike inflation HARD but there will be a rise in prices of goods that get shipped in these containers. Which is anything from electronics to furniture to even EVs (which the Chinese are now sending via containers to escape tariffs).

      The effect on readings might be late this year (Nov or Dec) and won’t be pronounced as it is not remotely as impactful as the Fed printing $9 Trillion in a year.

    2. Well, when you base the second half of this year on the previous year’s second half…..

    3. the_sound_of_a_cork on

      The Fed should have raised faster and higher to begin with. Now we are in this weird limbo land of mixed signals and consumer confidence is going to pick up.

    4. NeedleworkerCrafty17 on

      That’s funny because I heard so many commentators at the beginning of the year claiming it’s going to be a political thing. That’s why rates are going to be cut this year. What was it six at first? I don’t listen to any of these commentators anymore. Glad I’ve been going with my gut on everything now. People are looking at the deficit like it’s this huge deal and not factoring in how much America is actually worth. If America was a company their balance sheet would show 38 trillion in debt with assets of around 1000 trillion…. Start adding up all of the military that is still in existence and working. Add up all the infrastructure both already built and being built. Add up all the national lands. Add all of the intellectual property. What’s that work out to be? Let alone this is the one place on earth. Everybody seems to want to come. That is why keep on buying stocks. Any pullback every time

    5. darodardar_Inc on

      where does this “1 rate cut this year” keep coming from? JPow literally said the opposite – they’re not even considering rate cuts at this point

    6. Fed are clowns and their forecast is BS, look at what happened in 2021 when they said no hikes and then proceeded to hike the most aggressively ever.

    7. Guys it’s simple. He said 5.1 EOY 2024, 4.1 EOY 2025, 3.1 EOY 2026.

      Oh and also he has no confidence in his own forecast. Also that.

    8. Who cares? Why is this even tracked by anyone. No new information yet market reacts as if rate cuts galore were announced and AI to replace all politicians.

      I’ll be bullish when the latter is the case.

    9. ShakeEnvironmental47 on

      There arent going to be any cuts this year. If anything they will have to raise rates again.

    10. PoopholeLicker on

      If this isn’t proof that High rates is what is propping market up, and rate cuts along with the election will probably send this back to the 460-470 mark is my prediction

    11. According_Web_8907 on

      Sooooo, no rate cuts, gotcha, calls it is from this 🌈 ass 🐻. I feel sick saying that

    12. Queasy_Pickle1900 on

      This makes sense to me. It doesn’t appear that the economy is struggling. Rate cuts should be used when the economy is struggling.

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