If Tesla shareholders vote to approve Elon Musk’s $44.9 Billion pay package that was thrown out by a Delaware judge in January, it would almost guarantee he would remain at the company he grew to be the world leader in EV, shifting to AI and robotics including autonomous vehicles, which Musk says is Tesla’s future.


    Posted by aobirkin


    1. greenandycanehoused on

      You know how lots of this sub hates Elon and that leads to an inverse wsb position of being a tsla bull? We’ll I think it’s mistaken because a lot of us love the promise of Tesla and the fact that Tesla was instrumental in the shift away from ICE, so hating Elon and being bullish on tesla without Elon is the correct position I think many of us here have. We want tesla to be the best it can be and we think it’s time for Elon to go away so he can fully focus on his boring Twitter and xai

    2. Ok-ChildHooOd on

      He already had the new h100 chips shipped to his new company, paid for by Tesla.

    3. fomoandyoloandnogrow on

      You know Musk has fallen far when he is now just casually having sex with SpaceX interns as reported by the Wall Street Journal, instead of at least the executives at his companies ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Witty-Bear1120 on

      So the guy with many billions in Tesla is just going to leave and let it tank back to a fundamental valuation? Call his bluff.

    5. For those who are too regarded to do math, giving musk this pay package will **not** result in him owning 25% of Tesla, this means even if he gets this huge pay package, he STILL won’t be satisfied and will ask for another huge payday.

    6. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      When does this voting take place already and when will we know the results? Sick of hearing about this…

    7. SeveralAssistant1597 on

      They give in to him now it’s like he’ll have a gun to their head about everything. He’ll still tank it because he knows he can continuously make outrageous demands and threats. It will be never ending

    8. dumasymptote on

      Isn’t this a violation of his fiduciary duty as the ceo? Is it not enough to fucking fire him already?

    9. AI_go_boomboom on

      Call his bluff. Tesla will tank if the pay package gets voted down, good for my one put baby. Dude has lost the “it” factor. To think people seriously were thinking he’d take humanity to Mars or some shit at one point (me included)

    10. herefromyoutube on

      How did this dude so easily buy twitter without knowing how he’d pay for it.

      And if he had waited 6 months he probably could’ve gotten if for 1/3 the price.

    11. I will never understand the amount of circle jerking going on for the shift to EV’s, yet the man that really began the revolution gets shit on. Y’all can’t see that he is going to also revolutionize how we get our internet. The man that was a true pioneer in online payments is now somehow some crack pot? Glad most of the people going on rants about how awful he is only own fractional shares of Tesla with no real weight to their words. Dude has a thousand legs to lean on and y’all tryna cut each one of them. Luckily money speaks and the silent majority made the smart move and will continue keeping him as the leader of Tesla.

      This has the feel of when he went on the Joe Rogan podcast and smoked weed, the stock slid and his competence was put into question. Only to later go on one of the most historic stock runs in history. I’ll continue to be silent after this lol. Just know, “if you broke and clowning a millionaire, the joke is on you”

      Billionaire in this case

    12. winedogsafari on

      7 hours ago Cathie Wood / AARK sets Tesla stock price @ $2600 by 2029 – go long regards!

    13. Inevitable_Butthole on

      Well maybe the board will just have to remove a CEO who is actively working against its public company

    14. Important_Abroad7868 on

      Give the regard a half a billion and let him yolo it using wsb info

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