So I was in a car crash, I was not at fault at all. I live on a main road in Melbourne with a speed limit of 60. I had stopped, was indicating and pulling into my driveway when I got rear ended by a taxi van. Pulled over and exchanged basic details, continued to ask for his insurance and number but he did not speak English very well and we were both obviously a bit rattled, he did not tell me his insurance and I wasn’t communicating the best. At this point my partner and our housemate came outside to witness the crash. We noticed his car was leaking and he had busted his radiator, said he needed water for it so my housemate took him into our driveway and filled a jug he had with water, once he returned I then asked for insurance again whilst my partner called 000. He just filled his radiator then started to get into his van, we asked where he was going and all he said was “mechanic” and drove off. Fire brigade showed up to investigate the liquid on the ground incase it was gasoline but no police arrived.

    Now this is where things get complicated… due to him giving me his license and I know his rego the police will not make a report because that’s all you need to give legally in Victoria, my insurance company cannot get in contact with him, the taxi company cannot help as each driver is self insured and cannot give out details without a police report, a 3rd party company that helps with insurance claims and takes them under their wing cannot help because they also can’t get in contact, and my TAC claim (injury claim (I injured my shoulder in the crash and had to visit the osteopath twice)) will not be accepted without a police report either.

    I believe all I’m left with is getting a lawyer or going to his address and asking, but my car is only worth 7-10k and am unsure if something of that nature would even be worth taking through the courts as the cost would deduct most of the money I would get from the claim. Also I was advised by police that it was probably not the best idea to go to his address as I would be taking a risk of him getting aggressive and could claim harassment.

    So yeah any help would be awesome

    Australia, Victoria

    Posted by Minimum_Yam_163

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