I'm an uneducated monkey when it comes to trading, but it seems like NVDA is dude to drop at some point over the next couple months. Positing that that's true, how do I capitalize on that without rinsing my retirement?

    Why should I not buy NVDA puts?
    byu/RandomThunks inwallstreetbets

    Posted by RandomThunks


    1. darktidelegend on

      I’m stubborn and haven’t bought it yet

      So for now it’ll still go up

      Wait till I buy it and then your puts will print

    2. People usually don’t do it because they lose money but you primal primate can just go all in because money is only paper anyway ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)

    3. You might be right about the direction, but if you’re wrong about the timing, your entire account is gone.

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