BlackBerry $BB $60,000 YOLO

    Posted by Tigerousity


    1. i was told there was going to be a pump, instead it went to all time low ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    2. Puzzleheaded-Dog2127 on

      Some specialton keeps coming back here in WSB telling us how BB gonna pop, never does.

    3. newrandreddit2 on

      My brother in christ I appreciate you because this is way more regarded than my BB plays.

    4. spacecadet501st on

      Bro you could’ve put this in NVDA or AAPL why are you fishing out the bottom of the barrel

    5. Double-Courage7780 on

      I lost close to 300k on BB bought in when it went to 15 few years backs…
      Regret it
      Wiped my 401k 😞

    6. Someone woke up from a coma and thought this is still 2021 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    7. Bought 1300 at 2.90 and ill keep adding a couple hundred a week. Seems insanely undervalued considering some of the prices for other cybersecurity firms and their software is already in 250 million vehicles

    8. The last time she was at this price I was still in my dad’s ball bag

      make of that what you will

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