Check this out. My Boomer ass has been buying/selling/writing options since before my Gen Z grandson was a gleam in his Daddy's eye. This anime watching, no pussy getting lil bitch thinks I just bake cookies and knit socks all day. No, bitch. I'm writing strangles on NVDA and sneaking Viagra into your grandpa's lemonade.

    After exiting my position and profiting over 20k, I turned on The Netflix and watched "Wolf of Wall Street". It reminded me of how much of a loser my grandson is, so I gave him a ring on the old rotary phone. I tried explaining to him that I repped Theta Gang, but he was clueless.

    He tried giving me a poorly thought out fantasy football parlay, which I immediately dissected as a loser. This kid will be living in a dumpster behind Wendy's before the year is over.

    TL;DR: My grandson doesn't understand options trading or get any pussy.

    POS: Long 233 shares AVG $44 per

    My NVDA strangle and my ghey bear grandson.
    byu/Exact_Crazy_9263 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Exact_Crazy_9263


    1. MinimumCat123 on

      Gam Gam likes to get freaky based on her profile history and plays options. What a world we live in.

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