It’s coming… 🚀

    Posted by FantasticAd9407


    1. This just puts us into the weird Wall Street limbo where good news is bad news and bad news is good news. If we get a rate cut in December, it will be on the back of economic deterioration. The Fed doesn’t just hand out money to be nice. Rate cuts are in response to something. A series of bad employment numbers, signs of recession, etc.

    2. JayArlington on

      >”We’re in a very good position right now to take our time, get more inflation data, get more data on the economy, on the labor market, before we have to make any decisions,” Kashkari said. “We’re in a strong position, but if you just said there’s going to be one cut, which is what the median indicated, that would likely be toward the end of the year.”

      Sounds a lot like that SEP they just put out isn’t to be trusted.

      Imohtep speaks.

    3. But why are we going to get a December rate cut?

      We could get a rate cut because of something that broke.

    4. RecommendationNo3531 on

      I guess that he has now secured a net long position in consumer discretionary stocks. He can let it run now.

    5. RecommendationNo3531 on

      “He said he has been surprised by how well the U.S. job market has performed even as the Fed raised borrowing costs aggressively in 2022 and 2023”.
      That’s what happens when you replace good full time jobs with crappy part time jobs filled by undocumented workers.

    6. Feeling_Efficiency93 on

      Their inflation target is 2%, with maximum employment. Is there a rate% that’s ideal for the FED, or is rate% always a means to an end?

    7. Seems like a get off my back and stop asking question about the rate till after elections

    8. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      Nah keep it higher forever. I’m loving that 5% to do absolutely nothing. Hell, crank the hog to 20% who cares? .25 cut won’t do anything. When the folks with 3 jobs finally burn out and just quit their jobs, then the real pain can manifest. New brics currency rolling out in September will bully the dollar. No one should have the reserve currency; it just lets us manipulate other countries for cheap products and services. we have been entirely too privileged. It’s time for pain. Time for everything to break. The bologna castle is going to crash this year. In the meantime I’m just gonna sit on cash and wait and enjoy those sweet monthly yields. Maybe I’ll gamble with the cash flow. Maybe I’ll sit on it.

    9. Imhotep say leave me fuck alone til after election ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)

    10. Southwestern on

      Best case scenario is 5 years from now we still haven’t tinkered with rates. Rate adjustments are in response to bad economic news. Remaining steady is the best outcome.

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