I’ve been reading NVDA ever since they purchased 3DFX – which means before many of you were even alive.

    No one can ever catch up to nvidia. They have the most advanced chips, and because they’re already using AI to help them design next generation chips, no matter what, they will ALWAYS be massively ahead of the competition.

    They own the supply, so even if a competitor started to purchase nvidia Blackwell cluster, nvidia could just control the amount they sell to said competitor. The simple fact is this: they won and scaling laws say they will always win.




    Anyone who thinks or says “competitors will catch up” is a moron, and you should run far, far away from them.

    Gains & Position:

    What people are missing about NVDA
    byu/12pKlepto inwallstreetbets

    Posted by 12pKlepto


    1. InterPeritura on

      There is an anti-trust investigation on the horizon, but no, I doubt it will go through all the way.

    2. Hey hey hey, some of us were around then. I made a whole little proposal for my dad (because I was broke) that he needed to buy NVDA circa 1999 ish maybe. He didn’t and I rubbed it in his face the rest of his life.

    3. Distinct-Race-2471 on

      Wow you are a genius and everyone should flock to you. No other company could use, or even think of using AI in chip design. All competitors are doomed.

    4. f0xap0calypse on

      Yea I’m sure these language learning models that can’t add numbers together correctly can design new chip architecture…

    5. I’ve been following IBM since the very first mainframe was built. Competition will never catch up. Some fruit company, Apple? What’s that even, you can’t compute with Apples! Look, if you think anything’s going to overtake our mainframes, you’re a maroon. Case dismssed.

    6. I still remember those good old days. last year at $400s, I was here explaining NVDA’s deep most, but people laughed at me and called me nerdy. You really cannot educate pigs how to walk standing up.

    7. ElectricalGene6146 on

      AMD has better price per performance for LLMs, and Google uses their own TPU chips. Meanwhile Meta, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft all working on their own chips as well as buying AMD similar to how Google has been able to be independently successful. But sure, keep buying a 3T company whose remaining customers will only be unprofitable barely growing AI startups that Nvidia has been round tripping revenue into for the last few years…

    8. DarklyAdonic on

      I remember when Intel was way ahead of the competition…..

      Literally impossible for anyone to catch up

    9. So AI/AGI can replace devs but can’t create designs for a modern GPU ?

      Let alone generating trillions of dollars of new wealth. All those folks are gonna just sip margaritas and not invest back into developing a modern GPU ?

    10. Until something like neuromorphic computing or wetware replaces their architecture and monopoly.

    11. Diamond hands? More like Diamond Riva TNT.

      This post sent from my Tseng Labs ET4000.

    12. >No one can ever catch up to nvidia.

      Remember this about 10 years ago when everyone said the same about intel desktop chips.

    13. NVDA’s growth isn’t a matter of market share, it’s just a question of whether the need for advanced chips will continue to accelerate or if the money behind the AI hype dries up because it fails to produce the kind of integration that has been promised.

    14. TheBooneyBunes on

      So what you’re saying is calls would be a sensible idea, and because of that it will go down, but by wsb logic I should inverse myself

    15. Icantfightthisfeel on

      This is where I get to post about how I chose nvda as a stock to follow in high school economics class, 2001. Didn’t actually buy any shares until 2016 because I enjoy being poor.

    16. 10th mega bullish NVDA post this weekend, yea I’m shorting for sure now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    17. Wait so you honestly think AMD isn’t doing the same thing with the MI300?

      And *we’re* the regards in this scenario? Yea ok.

    18. unwanted_hair on

      Had one of their first chips – the Riva 128. First 2d/3d acceleration on a single chip. It could barely run any games, but the colored lighting and texture maps looked nice.

    19. Mantis_Toboggan_PCP on

      40% revenue coming from Mag7 cloud co’s who are working on their own chips and don’t want to pay NVDA anymore. I’m sure they’re fine.

    20. SeattleRainHawk on

      Plus anyone who thinks there is going to be any competition in this space other than AMD and maybe Intel should really read about what a GPU is and what it does. There are more guys making rockets and spaceships than powerful GPUs. Plus it’s not only the silicon hardware but also the millions of lines of extremely low level driver software. The barrier to entry is extremely high. More so than rocket science.

    21. BakerInTheKitchen on

      You said “they’re using AI to design their chips so they’ll always be ahead” I instantly knew you didn’t know what the fuck you were talking about

    22. **Ford: LoL japanese cars. Who the fuck wants to buy that. We are 100 years ahead. We invented the car and shit.**

      *General Motors: I know right? Detroit strong!*

      **Ford: Hell yeah bro, the japanese couldn’t build a cart pulled by a donkey even if their life depended on it + they got nuked lololol**

      *GM: lmao*

    23. whenever someone said “they have a huge lead”, that lead usually doesn’t last long. that’s just looking at history. so yes they are winning, but they have not won.

    24. Son_Of_Toucan_Sam on

      > anyone who thinks or says “competitors will catch up” is a moron, and you should run far, far away from them

      Not commenting on NVDA or the state of their business specifically, but there has never once in the history of capitalism been a business that was permanently impregnable to competition

    25. Remember when FAANG owned the Internet and no startup could ever replace the mighty Google search?

      Now we have Chat-GPT and Google is trying to figure out their new adwords model as they continue to slash jobs internally to keep posting profits.

      A lot of people are getting rich at NVIDIA right now and there is an old saying, “A Fat Cat Don’t Hunt.”

      The trick to NVIDIA will be to keep employees motivated to keep going while their hungry competitors are running to catch them as fast as they can.

      No one rules forever.

    26. Ok_Shower179 on

      My dad had a boatload of 3dfx stock. Sucks they didn’t convert to NVDA. 😞

    27. Tangentkoala on

      See, that’s where you’re wrong, though.

      Now, I don’t know entirely about whether or not they have these exclusive chips that can limit the supply and, therefore, competition.

      But in the U.S., we have laws made in place to limit and prohibit monopolies from happening.

      If push comes to shove, they would get strong armed into letting free trade and therefore competition eventually catching up.

      Now, when will that eventually come? I have no idea it could be tomorrow or 10 years from now.

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