So long story short, I was in a minor fender bender accident two months ago which was technically my fault. Person in front of me stopped suddenly in the middle of traffic and I rear ended her. We both took pictures, got each other's information, and she didn't want the police involved when I asked her. So we went our seperate ways and of course the next morning, I got a call from my insurance that a claim was made. Come to find out this girl was claiming she was injured in the claim she made. Cue the eye roll. Now this made zero sense because we weren't going very fast at the time of the accident, about 10mph and the damage was minimal to her vehicle and mine wasn't bad either.
    So I told my side of the story to the insurance but I haven't heard a peep from them since even though they said they would send an adjustor out soon. What does this mean? Did the other person possibly drop their claim?

    Was in an accident two months ago, no adjuster was ever sent out to assess damage? What does this mean?
    byu/Baldpterodactyl_911 inInsurance

    Posted by Baldpterodactyl_911

    1 Comment

    1. Blueblackstar_ on

      Sounds like it. I would call your insurance provider and ask. It could also just be getting dragged out by your/ their Insurance provider. I know I had a minor accident, their fault and had a very small insurance provider that took forever to final come around and just ask for pictures and then totaled my truck that had a decent dent in it. It was also a beater work truck but still. Took 4 months I believe.

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