So basically theres demand for certain companies and decreasing demand for certain companies. But as a whole theres more demand. There will continue to be more demand. Because gold is fake and dollars are real and our economy runs on 401ks now.

    Stocks only go up. This time they are going all the way up.
    byu/Multiez inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Multiez


    1. Logical-Boss8158 on

      You deserve the Nobel prize in economics for this groundbreaking discovery

    2. FriskyHamTitz on

      Stock without dividends or voting power is fake, money is fake since it’s been off the gold standard. Majority of assets are based on speculation or are over valued, but that shouldn’t stop you from buying the them, as the current system is designed for them to grow in value, it also shouldn’t stop you from hedging your bet an and owning sliding long term put contracts, and trading them while they still have theta

    3. itsjustafleshwound79 on

      Oracle represents the state of the market right now. Oracle missed on every metric for the top and bottom line for earnings. However, Oracle had AI deals for Open AI and google so the stock spiked 10% after previous spiking 10% on an AI deal talk with Elon Musk

      Can’t say when this bull market ends, but the market only goes up people will take it on the chin

      i’m not a bear but you have to be an idiot to believe the markets will never go down

    4. VariationConstant675 on

      It’s basically a self fulfilling prophecy….money invested in ETFs are chasing the same companies, who are driving the earnings up..and the loop continues….is that your regarded hypothesis?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. > gold is fake

      Well duh, someone robbed every nation’s national gold hoard, and everyone is just pretending they didn’t.

    6. If you have a look with the recent inflation, companies of major corporations have been making record profits after raising prices high than the inflation %.
      This economy is booming for the people at the top and large buisness like to put their money back into wall street.

      They are the ones that control the economy.

    7. Inevitable_Staff2188 on

      I heard that India is about to boom. That means more people that will demand more tech stuff. So demand will keep going up

    8. Electronic-Disk6632 on

      this bubble is definitely different. at least as long as it keeps bubbling.

    9. thematchalatte on

      It’s election year. It’s gonna go up until the election. And if Trump wins he’s gonna keep tweeting how great the economy is and the market keeps going up

    10. frugaleringenieur on

      It’s called inflation – and I literally mean that in the sense of printing treasuries and cash by Gov and FED

    11. I think we’ll continue to go up for a week or maybe two, but then it will correct in a big way.

    12. Need-Some-Help-Ppl on

      It is an election year and it doesn’t matter if we get Dumb or Dumber in office… they get sworn in Jan 2025 and then the fed can tank the economy after Feb/march 2025

      I believe the term they use is called the “expectations game”

    13. cosmicyellow on

      On the way up buy high, sell low. As a whole you will use both positions to perform both actions. Fulfillment complete.

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