Hold or get rent money?


    Posted by dudemurr


    1. Market_Mages on

      If getting rent money is important enough to make a joke about it, it’s probably important enough to take.

    2. U already missed out on the 420.69% gain. Have to hold until the next milestone?

      I would hold until the total gain actually shows (🚀🚀🚀%)

    3. Commercial_Ease8053 on

      You’re not doing very well if that $1400 is all that’s keeping you off the streets or not… meaning gambling is perfect for a regard like yourself 🥸


      Trim 3 at least so you’ll lock in some profits my dude. Great play, don’t ruin it by going too greedy.

    5. Cheap-Combination825 on

      sell and buy new calls damn, pay yourself and idk you made 450% like take the money out with which u started

    6. No_Environment_8116 on

      Sell 2, then you’ve already profited, and holding the other 3 is basically playing with house money.

    7. You should know the main rule of this sub:
      ‘If it’s good enough for a screenshot, it’s good enough to sell.’

    8. Sell 2 or 3 to cover your initial investment and take some profit and let the remaining ones ride

    9. IndependentUsual7444 on

      This is the part I usually screw up, so listen close. You’re gonna want to find the sell button and press it…immediately.

    10. Well if you fucking need rent money, get rent money. You’d be an idiot to hold that when you’re itching for rent. Then again, look where the fuck we are so I guess you’re right at home 😂

    11. subtleshooter on

      You’re holding gold. Why would you sell? Do you want to rent or own the fucking place?

    12. AllCatCoverBand on

      If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell. Gains are gains

    13. Sell two or three, set a stop you are okay with on the remaining two or three. Scaling out is allowed, and often profitable, and can help you more easily manage the remaining position.

    14. ButWhatOfGlen on

      Jibbis u guys…… Repeat after me… If… It’s… Good… Enough… To… Screenshot… It’s good enough to double down and lose it all!

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