I was in a mva on 5/12/24. I was on the main road and the other party(let’s call her betty) was on a side street. I was approaching a red light so I began slowing down while having my eye on Betty’s car which was at a complete stop. I was in the fast lane because there was a bunch of cars piled up in the slow lane at a stop, due to the red light. The cars in the slow lane left a gap for Betty to get through because there were no oncoming cars in the opposite direction of traffic.
    I seen Betty inching forward and I started slowing down harder because I didnt know if she was gonna throw herself out-which she did and at this point I’m already less than 2 feet from her car so slamming my breaks did nothing.
    The impact was hard, my car hiccuped to the left a bit and the steering wheel airbag deployed, hitting my right wrist, forcefully jamming my arm backwards, and also hitting my lower stomach, leaving me with a bruise.
    She never even came to check on me either😒
    I was in so much shock, the cop had to verbally tell me to get out of the car (6 minutes after the accident) so I didn’t get rear ended while sitting duck.

    My bp was 142/79 and I was dazed and confused. I got sent to the er by ambu where they performed a CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis which came back clear. They diagnosed me with a strained upper arm. That night I couldn’t sleep right because I was in so much pain and the next day my whole body was in an even worse amount of pain. My left shoulder and my chest were hurting(seatbelt), I had horrible back pain, and a headache, plus the strained upper arm. When I tried to use my arm it felt like the muscle was failing and deflating like a balloon.

    Fast forward 1 week later I’m still dazed and confused with aweful headaches, at this point I was diagnosed with a concussion.

    Fast forward 2 weeks after that I was at work and started feeling dizzy so I went to the ER and they did a ct scan which came back clear and told me “you’ve been here 4 times. We see it’s serious but there’s not much we can do. You’ll have to wait for ur neuro apt in 2 weeks.”

    Over those 2 weeks I was so dizzy and confused with pounding headaches usually always between a pain scale of 8-10/10. Still am dizzy and confused.

    Fast forward to today 6/17/24, Dr confirmed I have a brain injury due to the dizziness I’ve been experiencing. I was even feeling dizzy and confused at the drs office during the appointment today. When he was assessing my neck and back I was also having pain upon palpation. He wants me to see a chiropractor and gave me a steroid to see if it’ll help with the pain.

    The dr’s nurse and the Dr are recommending I should get an attorney but I don’t wanna spend more than I’m getting back. As a full time student who Is working part time- not much money to go around and I don’t wanna waste my time.

    Do you guys think it’s worth my time to proceed with an attorney, even the ones who don’t get paid unless I win?

    Should I get an attorney?
    byu/Life-Revolution9269 inInsurance

    Posted by Life-Revolution9269

    1 Comment

    1. Assuming Betty was found all or mostly at fault here? Have you notified the at fault carrier of your injury yet?

      Getting an attorney is completely up to you, we can’t ultimately make that decision for you. However, looking at your situation, knowing that you’re in school full time and working part time, an attorney would be able to coordinate all of these bills and would communicate with insurance on your behalf. You haven’t noted whether or not insurance knows about the injury and is potentially actively collecting medical records/bills to pay out.

      Keep in mind that an attorney will likely go after the limits of Betty, which could be low depending on what they chose (like 25k if it’s a state minumum), and then the attorney will take 30%ish from the settlement.

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