Am I cooked? NVDA calls caused all my losses

    Posted by dowcwow


    1. NoDiscussion9873 on

      I would hold on, reasonable chance you’ll be in the money.

      Good luck.

    2. WorkIsCringe on

      Imagine losing money on NVDA calls, this regard right here might be the first one

    3. the_honkiest_honkey on

      Breakeven isn’t where you’ll hit no profit gained no money lost. You’re going to have to learn the Greeks. Usually you want high delta, low theta for calls. But they also change with the price. So there is a chance it can rally and you can make money. Ive held an Nvidia call that was down 40 percent for a week and on the day before it expired I was up 120 percent.

      If you buy calls get as close to the current price as you can, the price goes up, it’s plus money on top of what you gained. Price goes down you lose money you paid in. As long as it’s headed towards the price your call is at, you pile the gains.

      That being said, Nvidia is showing its overbought. But I’ve also learned to never bet against it.

    4. Buy Nvidia at the top they said, you will be rich they said.


    5. IntroductionWeak244 on

      How in the ever loving fuck did you lose that much on Nvidia CALLS!? YEAH YOUR COOKED YOUR BRAIN THAT IS

    6. Bro just hold. Average down if you can you’ll be able to breakeven and see some gains no doubt about it.

    7. Hot_Refrigerator7458 on

      I have 10 contracts on $133 calls just like you. I’m at an average of $1.87 expiring 6/21. These will print in the next couple of days.

    8. Still have to the end of week, maybe it will recover before theta decays the value too much.

    9. you still have some hopium left. might be a big bounce day tomorrow. maybe 134? i’ll pray for you even though i’m not religious.

    10. Impossible_Ant_2783 on

      I’m down about $4k. I’m think about selling and going all in on Kroger earnings

    11. AnonymousUser2700 on

      Nothing better than buying calls on stocks that are overextended. Trying to earn a quick buck is the quickest way to fail.

    12. I’ve lost as much as I’ve gained doing 0DTE options. Or short term ones.

      Push it out a week or 2 further and you’ll feel way better and lose less often.

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