Man guys iv been on a hot streak!
    Full clarity for you guys… im only up 9800$ on the year. But my comeback this month has been fucking awesome. At one point I was down just shy of 10k with only 1400 left to play with. I was ready to give up. Then… BOOM! 14 out of 15 days in a row I was green by eod. I think my luck streak is coming to an end so I plan on pulling more out tomorrow. But man it feels like a dream coming back like this. From down 9k on the year to up 9k. Maybe if I didn’t withdraw so much along the way my gains would be more but…. I’m pretty happy with these results. Vacation monies.
    If anyone cares for advice, I would say that my success besides mainly luck. Is a result of me being patient and not trying to come back all at once. Telling myself to never hold any more than a x4. No matter what the a sell order in for that price at most. But mostly uv only put out 1k at a time and never hold past my commitment I make myself when I buy the options. I also gave up on meme stocks or playing earnings outright. Now I strictly trade calls and puts on. SPY, NVDA, AAPL, BA, and TSLA. My big 5.
    And I have no reasoning behind my options I buy. I go straight on gut. I’m so regarded the more i analyse the greater my chances I lose money. Positions are calls and outs in the top 5 I listed above. Never more than 1w dte
    Thanks for giving me the gull to make this happen fellow degenerate gamblers

    Posted by IntroductionWeak244


    1. Federal-Hearing-7270 on

      This is what “hodl apes” “💎💎💎💎hands” “THEY ARE MANIPULATING IT HOLD ON DONT SELL!!!!!” doesn’t look like.

      Congrats man!

    2. Nice! I’m +$12k on the month, but only +$7k over the last year. Feels good to be ahead.

    3. I always see these graphs with giant spikes up and then a giant dip immediately after. Nice to see something different

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