If we are all in the market, who is left to buy?


    Posted by mrmrmrj


    1. The largest incremental piece of retail buying comes from 401ks. Age-based retirements are accelerating. Those people have to sell a little each month to eat.

      As far as the calculation goes, the denominator does not include home value. Home are not a “financial asset.”

    2. RyanCooper510 on

      We need to promote consumerism among masses, so we economy will grow and we will be richer by saving and investing while everyone else spending!

    3. doringliloshinoi on

      My company gives me money every month. Then I buy more with that money.

    4. People who sold and have funds to buy into a different sector.

      You do understand there’s buyers and sellers all the time right? Algo’s run the game.

    5. Regards who are waiting for a dip to buy the exact bottom, only to buy in at new all time highs

    6. No new buyers so all established buyers are purchasing the same inventory with higher demand. Stonks go up.

    7. Cash holdings are way up through retail and institutional channels as the rfr gave people a high enough nominal return. With bonds underperforming through the rate hikes, it always attracted more people to cash assets. As CBs start easing, that cash is either poised to go back to fixed income instruments or equity markets…

    8. Early-Somewhere-2198 on

      Currently vesting 2k a month in just options. Keep buying nvidia lol

    9. jzackeryholt on

      As long as savings rates are 5% there will be plenty of money on the sidelines

    10. Me, sitting on tons, upon tons, and tons of cash at 5% rate waiting for all of you to panic sell so that I can sweep the market.

    11. YoungBuckChuck on

      Stocks as percent of fin assets…

      When stocks are at all time highs, of course the percentage of wealth goes up

    12. LineRemote7950 on

      It’s weird that it’s only 35%-ish…

      This implies there’s a shit load of wealth outside of the markets.

      Which to answer OPs question.

      There’s a ton of people who have wealth outside the markets that could transfer it into the markets.

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