Kansas sues Pfizer, saying it misled the public over COVID-19 vaccine


    Posted by Careless-Funny9031


    1. Here we go again. Another reason for all the nutcases to come out of the woodwork.

      All medications can have side effects. Taking ibuprofen can cause allergic reactions, pain, and even cardiovascular issues. But the vast, vast majority of people do not experience them.

      There were some common, mild side effects with the Covid vaccine and these were presented as the vaccine was being rolled out. Extremely rare side effects such as myocarditis were discovered and presented after a very large number of people took the vaccine. Because you cannot find a 1 million side effect unless millions take the vaccine. Anyway, these cases were generally mild and patients typically recovered with appropriate medical treatment and rest.

    2. Look I am of the belief that big Pharma is nothing but a pack of soulless ghouls who would gladly shove poison down disabled children’s throats if it meant they’d get a new yacht but didn’t they get some sort of reprieve from litigation prior to the vaccine coming out? I thought that was the whole deal with the rush of it coming out. You get our magic drug and if it goes tits up and kills everyone you’re just SOL.

    3. I’m torn between calling a bunch of people in here absolute morons and recognizing the sub we’re in and realizing they’re better wsb material than I’ll ever be.

    4. LOL, isn’t this the same charlatan that tried to push a phony COVID-killing device?

    5. Dirtyhandwhiteman on

      Damn I was wondering if trying to earn off vaccines was dirty… ill remove my position in $nvax soon. Thanks WSB.. I agree, just im soo broke. 😂😂 morals over money. 💪🏻

    6. you can’t sue them. the government absolved them of all responsibility and liability and then mandated you take it with the onus on you for any negative outcomes.

    7. Dependent-Break5324 on

      Take it to trial to show the loonies that all of their conspiracy theory evidence is BS.

    8. CriticallyThougt on

      Kansas on Monday sued Pfizer Inc., accusing the pharmaceutical giant of misrepresenting the safety of its Covid-19 vaccine and violating the state’s consumer protection law.

      The lawsuit was filed by state Attorney General Kris Kobach in Kansas District Court, Thomas County. The suit alleges the drugmaker misled the public when it said it had a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine.

      Pfizer said its vaccine would prevent the transmission of Covid-19, even though the company knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of the virus, according to the lawsuit.

      “Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths,” the state wrote in the complaint.

      Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its Covid-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, regardless of whether any individual consumer ultimately received Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, the complaint said.

      The company administered more than 3.5 million vaccine doses in Kansas as of Feb. 7, 2024, according to the lawsuit.

      The complaint also said Pfizer maintained its own adverse events database, separate from the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a national early warning system managed by the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to detect possible safety problems in US-licensed vaccines.

      Pfizer’s database contained cases of adverse events reported spontaneously to Pfizer, cases reported by the health authorities, and cases published in the medical literature, according to the suit.

      “Upon information and belief, Pfizer’s adverse events database contained more adverse event data than VAERS because it included both information in VAERS and information not in VAERS,” Kobach wrote.

      Pfizer in an email statement said “the representations made by Pfizer about its COVID-19 vaccine have been accurate and science-based” and the company “believes that the state’s case has no merit and will respond to the suit in due course.”

      “Since its initial authorization by FDA in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been administered to more than 1.5 billion people, demonstrated a favorable safety profile in all age groups, and helped protect against severe COVID-19 outcomes, including hospitalization and death,” the company said.

      The state seeks damages for Pfizer’s violations of the Kansas Consumer Protection Act and asks the court to order Pfizer to pay civil penalties for alleged violations of previous consent orders with the state.

      The regards, as they call themselves, at r/Wallstreetbets have differing opinions about the lawsuit. Bloomberg keeps a close eye on these regards as we inverse their trades and will keep the public informed on their regarded trades in accordance with our bylaws.

      The case is Kansas v. Pfizer Inc., Kan. Dist. Ct., No. unavailable, 6/17/24.

    9. cantadmittoposting on

      barely had to read anything to determine that this lawsuit is political theatre.

    10. Expect nothing less from an idiocracy. Kansas should have been given Russia’s Sputnik version.

    11. ThickerSalmon14 on

      Sounds like its going to be another losing lawsuit wasting tax payer’s money.

    12. NoApartheidOnMars on

      The governor is just pandering to the supernumerary chromosomes crowd, which in Kansas is a huge voting block

    13. What a place our country is. We have Harvard theoretical physicists and Kansas and everyone gets along.

    14. Ultrabananna on

      Can we just all email the FDA and say fk that give me protien based covid shots from Novavax. We don’t want your mRNA expectually since the pandemic is over and we can get it like the flu shot now. The whole reason for that FDA meeting was for who gets to sell their vaccines and can line their pockets not most.

    15. Now hold on, it’s not the entire state. It one jackass from the minority party.

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