1,175 $CHWY 6/21 25c. All contracts CLOSED. Thanks for playing


    Posted by whomstdth


    1. Fickle_Memory_3154 on

      Next time any of you get insider info feel free to send it to my inbox

    2. YourHuckleberry25 on

      No one will care because it’s only 80K but I would love for ANYONE to explain why you would buy that many weekly call contracts for fucking chewy.

    3. Congrats. How the heck did you know about the catalyst this far after earnings?

    4. CrunchatizeMeCaptn on

      Hopefully your dogs don’t bark at the door when the sec comes knockin

    5. Chewy boxes getting delivered to my house every week or two it seems like, and I didn’t even think to check it out!

    6. I knew chewy was a BUY when it was at $16, got an option contract and made $50 when it had its initial take off, regretting not trusting my gut and taking a more aggressive position on Chewy😤 congrats and fk you

    7. IntroductionWeak244 on

      Mother fucker has 300k in buying power. I’m sure we would all have a better chance at a payday like that if we had a house worth of money to play with

    8. Throwaway8184792 on

      How the guck are people on here making this kind of money.. and if so please share your info why can’t we all get right with you 😓

    9. I swear I read some guy saying in the daily discussion that he eats dog food and barks at people claiming a Chewy moon event was coming.


      I wouldn’t be posting this. SEC will be all over it. Expect a knock on the door.

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