NASA, Boeing delay Starliner astronaut landing to June 26 amid thruster issues

    Posted by ISeeYourBeaver


    1. ISeeYourBeaver on

      Boeing, if you think it couldn’t get any worse, let me tell you: if you blow up a couple of astronauts on their way back to earth, you’re going to learn that it absolutely can be worse.

    2. I am calling it. If that bloody thing disintegrates on reentry that stock will finally crash.

      People have been saying for ages sure the planes are shit but they got other things going for themselves. If the other things are shit too its just a shit company..

    3. Enigmatic_Observer on

      Calling it now – they’re coming down in a Dragon capsule and not that Boeing potential death trap

    4. You’ll see : they’ll end up blaming NASA for either not allowing those two poor souls taking a rotten BA spacecraft (if NASA uses Dragon or Sputnik), or for green-lighting a suicide-mission. BA will continue trading sideways no matter.

    5. I hope after they kill those two brave astronauts they anti trust flag this shit company and sell the space division to someone who has pride in their product and the people that they are delivering it to.

    6. hekatonkhairez on

      Boeing should step aside and let another entrant be the recipient of federal dollars. SpaceX showed just how inept Boeing is. It’s been years since SpaceX has had a working and reliable capsule and platform.

      And I’m sure there’s plenty of other companies who could replicate SpaceX’ success.

    7. NightOfTheLivingHam on

      Betting 10 bucks that SpaceX ends up saving the day and the Biden government will do another investigation into Elon Musk shortly after out of pure spite. Every time SpaceX makes a milestone, the NHTSA, or some committee wants to audit Tesla, or accusations of drug use or some other shit happens.

      Boeing was supposed to prove the government does not need SpaceX and can do without it.

      The fact they launched this piece of shit into space despite being untested, with astronauts on board, just shows how far the ego goes with trying to prop up Boeing to be the government darling rather than Elon man bad.

      If that gets people killed, they should be absolutely ashamed. But chances are if that happens, SpaceX will be the ones getting more restrictions on them. Not Boeing.

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