aint no shame 30% gains ytd. Mostly nvda shares and playing earnings.

    Posted by chrisdelaris


    1. How do you usually play earnings?

      I’m lining up capital to invest in the upcoming NVDA earnings in late Aug, and currently have one 155 call for MU earnings next week

      Do you time expiry till a week or two after earnings? When do you usually sell?

    2. That’s the same YTD return of parking your money into $SSO and forgetting about it. You’re taking insane risk for mid tier rewards

    3. RushingToTheWeekend on

      Taking profits is timing the market. You will just end up rebuying. Buy what you think is great long term and just hold. Did it with large cap tech / nvidia and has done wonderfully

    4. Content-Story-708 on

      Just fucking lucky no skill just luck! Fuck you. You aren’t a real trader

    5. GildedWarrior on

      A few months after I heard rumors of the AI bubble coming since summer of last year I made a lot of profits from AI stocks turned 4k into 12k

    6. Nah. My experience is that holding until I have massive loss porn to post here is what gives me more karma. Gain porn doesn’t get even close.

    7. I don’t think there’s a single stock that I’ve bought that didn’t touch +20%. My problem is I don’t start selling until much higher. So what happens if it doesn’t “go much higher”? Well I sell for a loss of course!

      But honestly, no shit, for real this time, I’m changing that. Need to start gaining incrementally instead of losing incrementally.

    8. taxfreetendies on

      You literally said you were up 56% since 2020 in this comment:

      32% less than the S&P 500 good job dumbass lmao

      > Open a Roth Ira and buy 10k each worth of Voo, Vong, Spy, Qual, and hell play with the last bit with companies you like. I got nvda, appl, cost, cat, nflx for example. Not investing advice but i have all of these since around 2020 and im up 56% on my entire portfolio since then

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