To make a long story short, we have had multiple pet insurance policies through Nationwide and have unfortunately been pretty heavy users of our plans.

    We have spent and have been reimbursed for thousands of dollars on our policies, and added a couple more pets at the beginning of this year. Our payments have been taken via autopay every month with zero issues.

    One of our recently insured pets had to undergo some pretty expensive services, and although Nationwide had paid out on some of this pet's claims before, all of a sudden, they started declining the claims for the more expensive services due to "medical records required". It seems like they saw the cost and decided to try to squeeze out of paying their share. I called in, asked what they needed, sent it, and my vet also sent it, and I resubmitted the claim. They declined the claim again for the same reason, "medical redlcords required". At this point, it has been over a month since services were rendered. When I called in again, they said that they didn't receive the info, even though they got multiple copies from multiple sources.
    They started playing dumb and acting like they didn't realize they had the info, and said that they would send the claims for review.

    I happened to be budgeting today and I realized today that Nationwide skipped out on taking our auto-payment this month for the two policies that we added at the beginning of this year, and in order to make an online payment, I would have to pay their policies in full.

    I have a feeling that they fully intend on trying to make up some reason to disqualify this pet now after seeing that they have to pay out, even though they agreed to cover them, and it looks like they're quietly trying to force these two pets off from their policies.

    Does anyone have any input?


    Nationwide quietly dropping us?
    byu/ConsistentImpact1 inInsurance

    Posted by ConsistentImpact1


    1. They can choose to do that, just like how you can choose to go with another carrier

      Most states require ~30 days notice for them to do so. Check your mail, online document center, and with any agent you may work with

      I’m more inclined to believe there was an error in the automatic payment system. Whenever I saw something similar to what you’re describing, the bank blocked it for whatever reason. That’s a separate issue than your nonrenewal

      edit: you know, now that i think of it, this entire thing might be because of an automatic payment hiccup lol

      bank rejected payment, insurer turned it off rather than attempt to charge over and over again and cause fees, since you’re no longer on automatic payments, you’re required to pay the entire premium upfront or get back on it, but you’re interpreting this as the insurer not wanting to insure you anymore lol

    2. Busy_Account_7974 on

      Nationwide is getting out of the pet insurance business, news reports say 100,000 policies are being non-renewed

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